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"I got it." Josie says

"Yeah no shit...I just gave it to you." Josie's brother said

"No, im not talking about the info on my dad, im talking about on mom...I got her bail and now I have to go pick her up.." Josie says with a smile

"Isn't like CPS suppose to be up all in your life by now?" He asked

"Uhh—not if we were staying with my grandma..well at least that's what I told them, My grandma and I made a deal, and I go over there after school so it's not a total lie." Josie explained

"You shouldn't be saying that out loud and especially to me." He says

"Whatever, im going to go I'll see you later." Josie says before walking off.


"Uhh—what are we doing?" Nick asked as he say Ethan at his locker

"I'm going to show you something." Ethan says before he took nicks hand.

"I know about the bet and honestly, I don't want to be apart of your games so just leave me alone." Nick groaned

Ethan continued to pull him in the direction out of the school.

"What are you doing Ethan?" Nick asked

"I'm showing you something, obviously Nicky." Ethan says

They soon got to the outside garden.

"Nick...I heard you when you said you knew about the bet." Ethan says as he stopped in front of Nick.

"I'm pretty sure you did." Nick rolled his eyes

Ethan fell silent.

"Listen, I have things to do and you are wasting my time so if you aren't going to tell me whatever the fuck you want them I'm going to g—"

Nick was cut off by a kiss, he didn't kiss back at first but something took over him and he deepen the kiss.

Soon they pulled away.

"Nick I love you..and I don't care about the stupid game...I want to be with you, no matter what you say I will fight for you..because I owe you that." Ethan says as he looked deep into Nick eyes to show his words had meaning.


Josie was walking up to her house door when she saw Hope...

She was about to walk up to her when she saw someone walk into hopes house with Hope.

Someone she hasn't seen before.

She quickly ran into her house.

She headed for the stairs.

"No hi?" How are you? What fuck is going on with you?" Lizzie asked

"Uhh hope and someone I don't know just walked up into hopes house and all of a sudden my overprotective girlfriend mode slash my insecurity girlfriend mode just activated so I'm going to go spy on them now..bye!" Josie says before she ran upstairs and into her room

Lizzie just shook her head.

Josie went to the window and she peeked out a bit.

She could see hope laughing and giggling with the girl...which pissed Josie off a lot.

The girl started to get a little too touchy.

As soon as the girl went in to hug hope, that was the last strike for Josie.

She stormed down the stairs and knocked on hopes door.

No answer, which she obviously knew Hope was there.

"HOPE! OPEN UP THIS DAMN DOOR!" Josie yelled as she knocked again.

Soon she heard footsteps.

Hope opened the door with the girl leaning on the steps to see who it was.

"What's up Josie?" Hope asked

"You know you are my girlfriend right?" Josie asked

"I wouldn't trade that for the world, unless it was for wife." Hope smirked

"Hope, I'm going to be upstairs." The girl says before she ran up the stairs.

"Who is that?" Josie asked

"Oh Ava? Uhh she's just helping me with something" Hope smiled

"I don't like the look of that smile...what exactly is she helping you with?" Josie asked

"Nothing bad, I promise love." Hope says

"Okay, I trust you." Josie says all in one breath.

"Good, and I love that you trust me" Hope says before she pecked Josie on the lips.

"Did you want to come in?" Hope asked her

"No I'm fine, I have to go with Lizzie to pick up my mom..I just wanted to see what you were up to." Josie says

Hope chuckled.

"Okay." Hope says before she closed the door slowly.

Josie felt sick..

Not sick sick...but like she didn't have a good feeling about that girl..she was choosing to trust Hope so she didn't say anything.

Maybe she should have..

Hope would love to be informed on her girlfriend and her feelings but Josie didn't know that and plus Josie was the definition of dumb so it was really nothing like that, that crossed her mind.

Josie and Lizzie showed up at Caroline's bail and they took her home, not before embracing her with a hug.

This was all new to Josie, she never seen either of her parents get locked up so she didn't want to say anything to her mom to tip her off or nothing like that.

"How are you girls? Did you guys go to your grandmas?" Caroline asked them.

Josie stayed silent.

"Something like that." Lizzie says

"And how are you know for the days I wasn't here?" Caroline asked them

Once again Josie was silent.

"We are doing fine, I mean it hasn't been the same with you not around but we've managed and it was only for a short amount of time anyways." Lizzie says

Caroline then looked over at Josie.

"What about you? How are you feeling about all of this?" Caroline asked

"Tired." That's all Josie could say without breaking down.

"I feel you...and I'm sorry that you had to witness all of that with your dad, and I promise that I will be the best mom I can be" Caroline says

"You are already the best mom" Lizzie says

"I have a question mom.." Josie says

Oh no.

"What is it sweetheart?" Caroline asked

"So when were you gonna tell us Landon was our half brother?"

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