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"I know...and that's why I'm going to have to let you go Hope." Josie says

"No, I won't give have my heart and you will not leave with it jo." Hope pledged

Josie sighed.

She hesitated before saying the next words that came out of her mouth.

"Fine...but this has to stay a secret." Josie says

"What are you saying?" Hope tilted her head.

"I need you to promise me you won't tell anyone about us...because if someone finds out then I can't be with you." Josie admits

"So like im your secret?" Hope raised her eye grow

"It's not like that it's just—"

"I like it...I could handle being Josette Forbes dirty little secret." Hope smirked as she stepped up to Josie

Josie smirked and turned around to get in the car.

Hope was confused so she got in the car and shut the door

"You not gonna say anything?" Hope asked as she raised her eye brow.

"What's there to say?" Josie asked as she closer her side of the door.

"I just said I will be your dirty little secret." Hope shifted in her seat.

Josie smirked once again.

She leaned over to Hope.

"You're such a whore" Josie muttered against hopes ears

"I think slut is better... that way I can be your personal slut whenever you like" Hope bit back as she inches her lips from Josie's

Josie climbed over on hopes side of the car.

Josie slowly moved her knee in between hopes legs closer to her center area

"Fuck." Hope moaned rolling her eyes back in pleasure.

"Yeah... I was hoping we can do a little bit of that tonight" Josie nervously bit her bottom lip

"Why not now?" Hope asked

"I will not have sex with you for the first a car." Josie whispered against hopes ears.

"Well then we will make it special.." Hope says

Josie didn't say anything else...

She just climbed back over to her side of the car.

"You're so dramatic you know that?" Hope asked her

"I's a trait...I think I got it from Lizzie." Josie rolled her eyes

"Speaking of which...what about my brother...was that all a game too?" Hope raised her eye brow

" wasn't a was real..Lizzie knows nothing about the game." Josie confirmed

"I'm talking about with you and guys are best friends right?" Hope asked

"Me and Nick are still becoming bestfriends with him wasn't because of some stupid bet" Josie says

"Good because I don't want my brother to get hurt." Hope says

"It's a little too late for that." Josie says as she pulled off

"What do you mean too late?" Hope asked

"Ethan is apart of the game too...he was suppose to make Nick fall in love with him...that way they could make fun of him for being gay...because apparently boys being gay is a bigger deal then girls..guys find it hot when girls kiss girls..until the girls start dressing like them." Josie spoke the truth

"I will kill Ethan." Hope spiked

"Don't kill was mayas idea...because of you." Josie says

"What the hell you mean? Maya is my best friend." Hope says

"Is she? Because a best friend wouldn't set up their friends for failure." Josie says

The car was silent for a while until they pulled up to their houses.

"So what are we? Secret girlfriends?" Hope asked Josie breaking the silence.

"Yup...girlfriends.." Josie says with a soft smile

This all felt too real for hope...maybe too real for her liking.

"I'm also sorry about Ethan..he's in love with Milton...he's just waiting on his time to get with him...don't let Nick fall.." Josie sighed

"I won't...and I'm glad you are telling me since you're not suppose to." Hope says

"I love taking risk apparently, also I will see you tonight and you really need to get prepared for this thing tomorrow." Josie says

"I will." Hope says

The door bell rung and it was about 8 at night...Hope was expecting Josie but she was surprised with someone else.

"Hope..." maya says as she slide her hand in her back pocket

"What do you want maya?" Hope asked

"You never did hang out with me yesterday like you said you were." Maya says

"Well I was busy.." Hope says

"Screwing Josie?" Maya joked

"Nope...I'm actually calling things off with Josie." Hope lied

"WHAT? You can't do that?" Maya says

"Why?" Hope crossed here arms

"Well..y—you are s—suppose to be love with Josie.." maya says

She wasn't making any sense herself..and if Hope didn't know what was going on she would have been confused.

"Yeah I'm thinking about giving up on that...I'm looking at someone else...maybe Penelope...she's hot snd she doesn't waste my time." Hope lied

"No know I'm going after Penelope" maya says

"She deserves better" Hope says

"What the hell is wrong with you? I'm your are suppose to not stab me in the back." Maya says

"And you aren't?" Hope says

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" Maya scoffed

"I know the game maya." Hope says

"What the hell are you talking about? Did Landon tell you?" Maya asked

"So you admit it?" Hope asked

"This is bigger than you hope." Maya says

"What the hell are you talking about?" Hope asked

"Alaric...he's trying to get back at the mikaelsons you don't know the whole story but it has something to do with Caroline and your dad...I love you a friend of course, but you have to go with the plan...I need Alaric to drop the case on my brother." Maya says

"Im so fucking confused right now." Hope says

Maya put her finger up to her lips to make the "shushing" sound.

"People are always watching...we can't talk here..." Maya says

She then took out her phone and typed something.

She showed hope the screen.

It read: Alaric has mics in your me with Josie at the river tonight...I'll explain everything.

Hope just nodded.

"I have to go."

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