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"She's going to be okay hope, you just need to go home and take a shower for starters" Hayley says as she tried calming Hope down.

"I can't just go home without her, mom" Hope says as she walked over to Josie's glass window to see that Josie was still laying peaceful.

"You know she would want you to get some rest and fresh pair of clothing other than stand here and watch over her, besides, you must go check up on your brother and see how he's holding up, you weren't the only person that lost Josie to a coma" Hayley crossed her arms as she looked at her daughter who looked down cause she felt guilty.

"I'm going to go home only because I want to, and then I'm not leaving her side when I get back, I will be here until she wakes up because I owe it to her" Hope explained as Hayley nodded along.

"I understand hope, now go home and I'll stay by her side along with Caroline just in case anything happens" Hayley assured

And with that Hope nodded and then walked off to the car where her dad was waiting to take her home.


"Here you go" Ethan says as he passed Nick a cup of juice.

Nick looked up and took it "thank you" Nick voice fell silent as he sat back in his chair.

"So how's everything going with Josie? is she going to be okay?" Ethan asked as he sat neck to Nick.

Nick groaned "I don't know much about her and I haven't got any updates" Nick chewed on his bottom lip "I feel like such a shitty friend, if only I would have made it there in time and if only I would have saved both her and Lizzie then I could be the one in that hospital.. I should be the one in that hospital bed" Nick let a tear slip out his eyes

Ethan slowly brought Nick into a hug "hey, don't say that, there was no way in chance you could have been there and there is no way I'm going to let you blame this on yourself." Ethan said as he held Nick close to him.

Nick didn't say anything, he didn't trust his words and he felt as if he didn't deserve to even speak. "I know this isn't the right time but it never seems like a right time to say this so.. I'm moving" Ethan spat out at once.

Nick looked up at him "you're what?" Nick asked as he got up from Ethan.

"My mom said I had to move out with my dad for better colleges and I can't stay down here, and I knew I should have told you this a month ago but-"

"You knew for a whole month and you didn't tell me?" Nick scoffed


"Get out" Nick got up from the bed and crossed his arms.

Ethan scoffed "you can't be mad at me for something I can't handle, I didn't choose to move away.. my mom did"

"You still knew, and you're leaving, meaning I could lose two people that I care about, I already lost one and now another, i know I'm being selfish and I'm never selfish but i don't want to hear from you again, I want you to live your happiest life wherever you're going and I want you to leave me the hell alone, now leave" Nick demanded as he pointed to the door.

Ethan scoffed before walking out the door. Just as Hope was walking inside the room. "Hey, what's going on?" Hope asked

Nick shook his head "don't worry about me, nobody seems to anyways" Nick push passed Hope.

Hope looked at him with nothing but confusion. She wanted to go and see how he was holding up but she knew her brother and she knew he wouldn't want to be bothered when he was angry.

Hope walked out of nicks room and she went to take a shower.


After about an hour or so, Hope was in her t-shirt and shorts. She was thinking about going back down to see Josie but on the other hand she felt tired, she hadn't got any sleep in days and the only person that could make it better was Josie, seeing as Josie was occupied Hope felt lonely.

Hope felt depressed, she felt like she was missing something and she knew that something was a someone and that someone was Josie.

Before Hope could make up her mind she got a call from her mom.

"Hey mom is everything okay? Do I need to come back?" Hope asked as she moved a string of hair to the back of her ear.

Hayley chuckled over the phone "calm down, everything is fine, Josie had been under a false coma, seeing as the bullet was a heavy and dangerous bullet, it caused her all those damages, she's awake now but she's freaking out a little" Hayley voice sounded worried

"What's going on? Why is she freaking out?" Hope asked as she put on her shoes.

Hayley didn't respond for a minute which only worried Hope more.

"Mom?" Hope called as her voice echoed from the phone.

"I'm here, but you should get here too, Josie is asking for you" Hayley says as Hope puts on her sweater.

"I'm on my way" Hope says as she walked out of the house.

When she walked out she seen Nick and Lizzie talking on Josie and Lizzie's front porch, she didn't think much about it, instead she just continued to make her way to the hospital.


When she got there she had run to Josie's room. "Is she good?" Hope asked her mom who stood outside the door with Caroline.

"Just go inside, I'll take Caroline to get some coffee" Hayley says before both her and Caroline walked off.

Hope nodded before she slowly opened up the door. Hope met eyes with Josie and she smiled.

Hope then walked over to Josie and brought her into a hug. "You scared me" Hope held on tight to Josie for dear life.

Josie felt warmth in hopes arms and she felt close. Josie wrapped her arms around the auburn haired girl and smiled. "Your mom told me that she had to force you to leave my side—is that true—or is she being dramatic?" Josie asked as they pulled away from the hug.

Hope smiled a bit "yeah, I wouldn't leave your side and the second I do, here you are" Hope admits as she stroked Josie's hair.

Josie chewed on her bottom lip. "How are you feeling?" Hope asked

"Drained" Josie simply answered

"I know the feeling, I didn't get much sleep because I wanted to be here with you and now that I've learned it was a false coma, I can sleep peaceful now, knowing my girlfriend is safe." Hope smiled as she continued to stroke Josie's hair.

Josie nodded "what if I'm not safe? I'm not trying to be selfish and have you not sleep because of me, you know how I feel when it comes to you and you know you mean the world to me so I don't know why you would think that I don't want you safe and sound, it's just.. I won't be able to sleep .. because of the nightmares I had to relive and because of what happened" Josie was a little nervous to tell Hope this.

Hope scooted more to her side "hey, look at me" Hope cupped Josie's face "if you're scared and you need a huge life size teddy bear, I'll always be here for you to cuddle with and for me to hold you" Hope assured as she brought her hands into Josie's. "I love you, and I'll always protect you no matter what."

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