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"I'm ready." Josie says as she showed up at hopes door.

Josie frowned as she saw Hope face expression.

"Please don't tell me you have to cancel" Josie groaned

"We have to cancel...I talked with maya"

"YOU TALKED TO HER?" Josie asked as she budged into hopes house.

"Yeah but I told her that we aren't together and that I'm going to start going for someone else." Hope says

"And what did she say?" Josie asked

"She said some bullshit...but we need to go meet maya by the local river." Hope says

"And you are sure that maya isn't trying to kill you or something." Josie says

"I don't know but we are going to find out."

Hope grabbed her coat and led Josie out of her house.

They got into the car and started to drive to the river place.

Hope had her suspicions and she really didn't know what was going on but she was hoping that this could be all over so she could just be with josie in peace..

Yes she was admitting it..she loved josie and she wanted to be with her no matter how hurt she would be if they ever broke up.

They finally showed up to the place and it was really dark.

"I hope you didn't bring anyone with you." Maya says as she appeared out of no where.

"I only brought josie." Hope confirmed

"Good...take a are in for a long ass talk" maya says


"Hey dad." Nick says

"Hey Nick."

Nick sat in the chair by his dad.

"Dad I want to tell you something." Nick says

"Go for it champ." Klaus says as he looked through his computer research

"Dad?" Nick asked

Klaus clicked his last button and turned his attention to Nick.

"You have all my attention..what is it that you need to talk about? Is there someone ass you want me to kick?" Klaus asked

"No one's something important and I wanted to tell you this even though im pretty sure mom would want me to tell her first—"

"So you are telling me that you didn't even tell your mom? Now im really intrigued." Klaus says as he sat more up in his seat.

"Dad when I tell you this..I don't want you to get mad at me..and not kick me out." Nick says

"It's nothing you could say to me that will make me kick you out...unless you say you aren't paying rent when you are old enough." Klaus teased

Nick chuckled a bit.

"Dad im pansexual." Nick blurted out.

" what am I suppose to not kick you out for?" Klaus asked

"I just told pansexual." Nick says

"There's nothing wrong with being pansexual son..." Klaus says

"So you don't hate me?" Nick asked

"Are you crazy? I love you and I will always love you are my favorite son" klaus says as he got up from the chair.

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