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"Josie? What is it?" Hope asked

"Your phone..it must have fallin out of your pocket when you put your stuff on my couch." Josie says

Hope nodded and took her phone.

"Uhh—I'm Landon.." Landon reached his hand out for Josie to shake.

"And I'm leaving...call me later hope?" Josie asked

"Will do." Hope smiled

Josie looked at Landon and then Hope..she looked over at Nick and he shrugged...

And she walked away.

"I need you to go." Hope says to Landon

"Why?" He asked

"I don't want you here and neither does my girlfriend by the looks of it." Hope says

"GIRLFRIEND?" Nick and Landon asked at the same time.

"Yes girlfriend...well I didn't ask her to be my girlfriend...not yet but I will." Hope confirmed

"Stop you gonna make me cry." Nick says

"What?" Landon asked

"She's finally being a big girl and going after the girl she wants." Nick says now tearing up.

"Are you crying?" Hope asked confused

"No...there's something in my eye." Nick says quickly wiping away his tears

Hope chuckled

"I actually didn't come back here to talk with you hope..I need to talk with Nick..about my brother." Landon says

Nick raised his eye brow

"You don't have any brothers." Hope says

"But I do..I have a brother and a sister they are my step brother and sister but my father says to treat them just as I would treat Rafael..." Landon says

"Your father just love taking care of kids that's not even his." Hope rolled her eyes

"Who's your brother?" Nick asked

Before Landon could answer Hayley and klaus walked in the door laughing.

Once they seen the audience they had, they stopped laughing.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Klaus asked


"Nick go get me my bat." Klaus says

"Yes sir." Nick says before he walked out back.

Klaus started to fold his arm sleeves up.

"I told you what I would do to your the next time I seen you around my daughter and I meant it...she went to jail because of you." Klaus spat out

"And I'm about to go to jail for killing you." Klaus added

"Klaus calm down." Hayley says

"No." Klaus says still glaring at Landon.

"Hey look at me." Hayley says before pulling klaus over to her

He looked at her but his eyes softened up before.

"He's not worth you going to jail klaus...let me handle this?"


"Please." Hayley practically begged

"Okay...I'll be in my office trying to work off my steam." Klaus says

He didn't look at Landon because he knew he would fill up with rage.

"Get the hell out of my house." Hayley says

"But I need to talk with Nick about my brother." Landon says

"I don't care about you nor your brother I need you to leave...before I have to call the cops." Hayley says

"Or before I have to beat your ass." Nick says coming back with the bat.

"Does your mother know?" Landon asked

Nick raised his eye brow

"Know what?" Hayley asked

"He's in love with my brother and I'm trying to warn him that this is all a game." Landon says

"What?" Hayley asked

Nick had a lost of words...he wanted to be the one to come out to his family... yet he was rushed out of the closet.

"It's not true mom." Nick says as he turned his focus to his mom.

"Nick it's okay if you ar—" Hayley was cut off

"ITS NOT TRUE!" Nick got all defensive

He hated being the center of attention and he hates when he gets this pity in his stomach that makes him feel hurt and sick at the same time.

"It's okay Nick." Hope says

"What the hell do you want?" Nick asked stepping up to Landon.

"I want...I want you to stay away from my brother because I don't want you to see you get hurt." Landon admitted

"The hell do you care?" Nick spat out

"I know my brother and I know about the bet...and I know about the bet with you hope." Landon turned his attention to Hope

"What are you talking about?" Hope asked

"Lizzie is the only good one...her and Penelope..as much as I hate them both..I have to say they are doing right... and don't trust anyone you get close to...like a certain cute brunette who fancies the color yellow." Landon says

"What are you talking about?" Hope stepped up to Landon.

"I can't say much because I swore not to..but Benjamin Franklin has a game called "summoned" the phrase is: the newer the target the easier the fall...like I said..don't trust anyone..not even my sister...she came up with the name." Landon says before leaving out.

"What the hell is he talking about?" Hayley asked

"I'm gay get over it!" Nick says before storming to his room

"Is he—"

"He's pan mom...just a drama...they ? I don't know but I need to find out what he's talking about." Hope told her mom before she walked up the stairs.


"What the hell we're you doing in there?" Josie asked

"I was telling Hope the truth." Landon says

"You know where that can get you." Josie says

"I won't let her get hurt and I damn sure won't let Nick gets hurt." Landon says

"Nick this...Nick that... you were also the founder of the game...haven't you forgot..don't fall in love." Josie says

"I'm not in love...but you are." Landon says

"I'm not but I am dropping out of the game...i can't risk losing hope as a friend." Josie says

"Haven't you forgot rule 2, you can't leave the game or the deal...if you do then that tape of yours with jade will get leaked." Landon says

"Well then I just have to complete the game and then get back with Hope...we aren't even together yet...so I won't hurt her as much" Josie says

"Looks like you got yourself into something that's gonna hurt like a bitch"


That night Josie had called Hope over and Hope stayed over for a bit until Josie was sleep.

Hope pulled the covers over Josie and kissed her forehead.

"I love you so much." Hope whispered Not daring to wake Josie.

Or at least not trying to.

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