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Through out the whole movie Hope kept her eyes fixed on her girlfriend. She wanted to make sure that Josie was safe and protected. She didn't want Josie to feel scared in any kind of way and that's more of the reason she felt like her guard dog.

Josie had fell to sleep through out half of the movie which only made everything better for Hope. The young auburnette was happy that Josie was some what able to sleep, the only problem is Lizzie and Nick were being a bit loud with the tv.

Hope took out her phone and texted Nick to tell him to shut up.

Hope didn't get a response but everything started to become more quiet than before. The short girl sighed before she grabbed her remote and clicked the tv off. She was going to enjoy the rest of her time and she was going to enjoy it right.

The auburn haired girl was so happy that Josie was safe in her arms, no one understood how sad it was for her, and of course Josie was the one to go through it, but Hope felt the girls pain.

Hope keeps blaming herself, over and over again.

"If I would have been there a second earlier."

"If I would have got the message sooner."

"If I would have walked Josie to her door and make sure she was safely inside."

All those thoughts flooded hopes mind and she was so mad that she didn't do what she told herself she would do.

The only reason why the mikaelson girl agreed to dating Josie was because she believed that she could protect her.

Hope finally let her guard down and now she regretted. She regretted, being the reason that Josie was injured no matter if she wasn't the one to pull the trigger, she sure as hell felt like she did.


Nick on the other hand wasn't doing so well himself, it was hard to get over the fact that his best friend was hurt.

Nick loved and still loves Josie as his sister, and someone that he always wanted to protect and someone that he will always protect.

The mikaelson boy did fear what was waiting for him, he knew that Hope hadn't told Josie yet and he hadn't told Lizzie either, because they loved the girls too much to tell them.

Hope and Nick weren't ready to let them go and telling them only made it more real.

Nicolas always knew that he had to do it, because what kind of man would he be to not do so? What kind of person would that make him to lie to someone—of course sometimes it was best to lie, but this wasn't the time to.

"Hey Nick, what's on your mind?" Lizzie asked before looking up at her friend.

Nick sighed and stroked the blonde locks from Lizzie's hair. "So much stuff had happened, I feel like I'm living the life of Ali dilaurentis, always on the run. But then again, just like Emily, never could be who I really wanted to be because I was scared." Nick admits.

"What are you saying? And why are you making examples of the pretty little liars characters?" Lizzie asked as she readjusted her head that was on nicks lap.

Nick sighed and then smiled. "You're so beautiful, and that's why I hate to see your smile fade."

Lizzie raised an eyebrow. "What's going on nicolas, you can talk to me." Lizzie assured

The brown haired boy knew this was true but he was scared. "Hope and I aren't staying here, this was a temporary home and we are leaving soon, we're going to live in New York for a year and then back in New Orleans, we knew from the start that we wouldn't be living here and our parents told us not to get attached or start anything that we know we can't finish."Nick admits.

Lizzie jumped up from nicks lap and then gasped. "Nick.. you don't understand how heart breaking that is, I thought we could be something, you know.. and now you are going to leave soon.. what would that mean for us?" Lizzie questioned.

He chewed on his bottom lip. "I like you Lizzie, I've always have and you knew this and you hurt my heart all over again, I've been nothing but nice, and I wanted you, because you're so freaking smart and beautiful and I wanted to show you the world, and because you're you. No one gets you and everyone always see you as the bad person but I don't, I see you as the misunderstood princess waiting for her prince, and I wanted to be that, and I still do but you can't sit here and act like mg wasn't always your first choice."

"I thought we got passed that." Lizzie looked down at her fidgeting fingers.

"We obviously didn't, because I can't look at you without seeing under that pretty face of yours that I was your second choice, I will not be a second choice." Nick shook his head as he felt a tear leave his eye. "I don't know why I'm crying, I feel like an idiot."

Lizzie shook her head and detached through his eyes. "Aww baby," she says before wiping his tears away. "I'm sorry. I really am and I can promise you that he wasn't always the first choice, he wasn't even a choice.. I just didn't let myself see that it was you that I was in love with." Lizzie admits.

Nick wasn't sure that he heard that right, his heart was going insane and his breathing sped up. "y-you.. you love m-"

"Yes I love you, I think I've always did, and you're too good for me.. way too good and I would be lucky if you even decided to give me a chanc-" Lizzie was cut off when Nick pulled her into a kiss.

A real kiss.


Hope woke up the next morning. Josie wasn't in her bed. The auburn haired girl jumped up and she started to search for the girl.

There was no way that Josie had left, and she wanted to know what had happened to her, Hope was so worried and it was all because of Josie trauma.

"JOSIE!" Hope yelled as she searched and ran into the bathroom.

"I'M DOWN HERE!" Josie yelled from the kitchen.

The mikaelson girls heart was at ease and she sighed, she couldn't believe how fast her heart was beating, and that's more of so why she knew this wasn't going to work.

The constant worries of Josie was going to take a toll on her life. She knew it. Josie knew it. Everyone knew it.

Hope ran downstairs and Josie handed her some pancakes. "Here, I thought you might be hungry and you were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to wake you." Josie admits.

Hope smiled. "Thank you love, you're the best girlfriend any one could wish for." Hope admits before she reached up and pecked Josie on her cheek.

Nick yawned and walked out of his room with shorts on and no shirt. "Someone had a good night of sleep." Hope teased before taking a bite of her pancakes.

"Definitely did." He smiled.

Soon Lizzie walked into the kitchen with an oversized shirt and nothing under.

Josie looked over at Hope and muttered. "Oh."

Both Hope and Josie's eyes widen. "OH"

The auburn haired girl shook her head and scrunched her nose. "You know what, I think we should all go out and have some fun, maybe an carnival up in mystic falls food court, it's one down the block from it." Hope suggested.

"Good idea, babe." Josie smiled before pecking Hope on the cheek.

Lizzie glared at hope. "Why are you acting like everything is okay? Why don't you tell my sister." Lizzie says as Nick eyes shot over to her.

Nick shook his head "no, don't." Nick warned.

Hope and Josie raised their eyebrow. "What are you two talking about?" Josie asked

Lizzie fake smiled "you know, just how some people like to leave without telling their partner, you know.. by leaving I mean to New York." Lizzie crossed her arms.

Hope glares at Lizzie and then at Nick. "Why the hell would you tell her?"

"Tell her what?" Josie asked

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