Chapter Six

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          Cobalt began running aggressively towards Devorah, snarling and snapping his large canines as he charged forward. In that moment, the memories of the most traumatic moment of her life flashed before her eyes as she felt as helpless as she had at the age of eight. Every inch of her fur stood on edge as her mind convinced her that this was how she would die.

          Breathing rapidly at the panic surging through her, the only instinct that she could get to kick in was to run. Her long nails gripped into the soil below her as she took off in the opposite direction, surprising herself that she was able to move at a quick rate given how weak she felt. The wind felt mesmerizing on her fur since this was the first time she had been outside of the kingdom in years. She desperately wanted to close her eyes and pretend that she was nowhere near this place, and that her parents and Victoria were by her side, alive.

          Refocusing on her unfortunate reality, the terrifying sound of Cobalt chasing her filled her ears. Frantically scanning her surroundings, she had nowhere left to run, especially with every entrance and exit being guarded by vampires. Closing her eyes as she slowed herself down, her entire wolf body tensed up as she prepared to get pounced on. In an instant, Cobalt collided into her, an immediate amount of pain surged through her causing her to yelp out in agony. Her left side dug into the ground from the impact, leaving her gasping for air. Knowing she needed to get up, she used what energy she had left but a massive paw with sharp nails shoved her back into the ground.

          "I don't think so. Do you really think you're making it out of this fight alive?" Cobalt's voice sounded dark and menacing. Adding more pressure into her side, he leaned close to the side of her face, his canines sharp as knives. "This is the end for you." Snarling after his words, he went in for the kill shot on her neck when a voice rang out above Devorah's deafening thoughts of her dying.

          "Stop!" Lina screamed out, hastily making her way towards the two wolves.

          Cobalt gave a confused gaze towards Lina as he backed off slightly, while Devorah let out a breath of relief as she pushed herself up to stand on all fours.

          "Why did you ask me to stop? I was promised freedom if I defeated her!"

          When Lina reached them, she looked from Devorah to Cobalt, her eyes lingering on him. "I'm aware of what you were promised, and you will be granted that promise. However, I said that the goal was to defeat her, not kill her. I saw that kill shot you were going for on her throat."

          Cobalt scoffed as he glanced over at Devorah, who still attempted to regain her composure. "You're lucky you had her come to the rescue, because I would have ended you." A low growl filled the back of his throat as he made his way back over to Dave, who had his arms crossed with a look of annoyance written on his face.

          "Why the hell didn't you defend yourself Devorah? You would have died if I hadn't of stopped him," Lina whispered as she took a step closer to Devorah.

          Devorah stared at Lina with so much confusion racing through her mind. "I thought that's what you wanted?"

          Tilting her head to the side ever so slightly, Lina's eyes searched Devorah's as she studied her. She didn't have what she needed from Devorah yet, so she needed her to stay alive. The plan that Lina had brewing needed to stay on track, otherwise, keeping Devorah captive all these years would be for nothing. "That was before we made a deal. You assist me in creating an army of your kind, and I will resurrect your parents and Victoria."

          "Well, I'll give you a piece of advice. The only way that I will be able to handle defending myself is if I get treated as an equal, not a prisoner. You may have forgotten this, but I need adequate food and water in order to function properly." Devorah's tone had a hint of annoyance to it as she replied to Lina.

The TribridOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora