Chapter Five

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A malicious smile spread on Lina's lips at the response that Devorah provided her with. Of course, she wasn't going to bring the girl's parents back to life but if it kept her in agreement to offer protection, then she would allow Devorah to continue to believe the proposition. "Great! We will begin training shortly! David, please escort Ms. Thorn to one of the training rooms and have a maid bring her some training clothes for her to change into."

Giving her an annoyed glance for using his real name, Dave waited for Lina to undo the restraining spell so he could apply the physical restraints around Devorah's wrists. Once Dave maneuvered Devorah back up to her feet, he guided her out of the room and down the long hall once more. Many thoughts were swirling through her mind about the new approach that Lina used. A part of her wanted her parents and Victoria to be alive and breathing, however, another part of her felt like something was off. It seemed too convenient and too good to be true, but on the other hand, if it was true, she didn't want to waste the one opportunity she may ever have to get them back, as she is unaware of how to use black magic. Victoria did warn her years ago though that black magic is forbidden to be used, and that it always comes with a price.

          Coming around the corner of the hall, Dave continued to push Devorah down another unfamiliar section of the kingdom. It was a hidden door next to The Council room that contained a flight of stairs. Devorah stood patiently as she waited for him to close the secret door behind them, and the two ascended the stairs. Coming to the top, it revealed a hardwood floor room, and the walls were made of mirrors. A younger girl was already in the room with a nervous look on her face as she caught a glimpse of them. Devorah immediately knew that she was human, based on her sweet scent. To vampires, humans smelled delightful, especially when they were bleeding. Thankfully, Devorah had experience with being around humans, as there were some that lived in the village with her as servants when she was younger. The one thing that she did not have experience with however, is when a human began bleeding.

          "Sarah, I need you to retrieve training clothes for our guest here," Dave commanded as he gave the young girl a stern look.

          "Yes sir Mr. Dave." Sarah kept her head down as she ran down the stairs.

          "Have a seat until she gets back."

          Devorah did as he instructed and sat down on a nearby bench while her hands continued to be bound behind her back. Dave stood with his arms crossed over his broad chest as he blocked the entrance of the stairway. It made her extremely uncomfortable seeing her reflection staring back at her from all angles of the room. Thankfully Sarah returned out of breath with a pair of clothes neatly folded in her small hands. Making her way around Dave and over to Devorah, she hung her head once more and extended her hands out to place the clothes on the bench. "Here you are miss," she quietly spoke.

          "Thank you," Devorah politely responded to her to make her feel less nervous.

          "You may leave now. That is all you're needed for," Dave called out to Sarah, making her flinch slightly at the tone of his voice.

          Sarah quickly fled the room as Dave continued to stand at the top of the stairwell. "You need to be dressed by the time Lina arrives, which will be shortly."

          Devorah stared at him as he explained what she needed to do. "My hands are restrained behind my back," she calmly reminded him.

          As if it inconvenienced him, he made his way towards her, and jerked her up to a standing position. "I am warning you ahead of time, and you're lucky I am. If you even think about trying anything today or any other day for that matter when you don't have these restraints on, I will personally deal with you myself. Again, you mean absolutely nothing to me." He warned her as the restraints were removed. "There is a small dressing room right there; you have one minute to change."

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