Chapter One

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         Breathing in thick clouds of dark smoke, Devorah could feel her lungs desperately crying for fresh air. Everything around her seemed to move in slow motion, watching in horror as some of the homes in her village burned to the ground. 

"Find the girl and her parents, now!" a witch of The Council screamed out as the members began searching the remaining homes, each getting burned when Devorah was not found in them. The witch had very sharp eyes, along with a slightly pointed nose. Every inch of her exposed pale skin was flawless, complimenting an all-black leather shirt and pants attire. Her dusty blonde hair half up half down illuminated by the flames wrapped around her hands, latching onto the homes that were raided. The dark red cape she wore pooled onto the ground, matching the blood seeping out of the dead bodies around her. An evil smile spread on her face as the fire danced in her greenish-yellow eyes as she watched the homes crumble. 

Devorah trembled as she cowered down behind someone's home feeling hopeless. Above the screams echoing in the air, she heard her mom screeching, "Get your hands off of me!" as she tried her best to pry herself away from one of the vampire members. His fangs emerged as he used this as a warning for her to stop fighting him. The young child watched as her mother was being yanked away from her father, who was getting held in place by a werewolf member in human form. "Let go of me!" her father yelled, panic in his voice.

The witch came up to her parents as they were being placed in restraints. "Tell me where your daughter is, and I will consider making your deaths as painless as possible." Her voice sounded as evil as she looked.

"What do you want with our daughter?" her mother questioned, breathing heavily as she met her gaze with the witch.

Laughing to herself, the witch shook her head. "Do you think I'm that naïve? I have eyes everywhere Lilliana. I know that your daughter was born a Hybrid from the two of you and then transformed into a Tribrid by Victoria."

"Lina, if you hurt one hair on our daughter's head so help me-"

"Oh, please Finn. I do not have time for your threats that you and I both know would never happen. I'm a lot stronger than you, remember?" Lina reminded Devorah's father, winking to him.

Clouds of smoke and ashes floated in the air around the area. Devorah's young body continued to shake uncontrollably as she mentally tried to figure out what to do so she could help her parents without getting caught.

Now tapping her foot impatiently, Lina glared between Lilliana and Finn, who both refused to answer her question about where their daughter was located. "Alright, fine. If neither of you will tell me where she is, I'll just find her on my own." Looking at the two men that held Lilliana and Finn in place, Lina nodded her head, and the two members immediately ripped their heads clean from their bodies simultaneously. Blood began spouting out from their headless corpses as they collapsed to the charred ground. 

"Mommy! Daddy!" Devorah screamed, extending her hand out, even though she knew she wasn't close enough to physically touch their lifeless bodies on the ground. Her little heart felt like it was shattering in her chest as tears slid down her youthful face. It hurt worse than her lungs which felt like they were suffocating from the polluted air. Lina's eyes snapped up to meet hers instantly, a wicked smile growing on her lips. Sending the two men after her, she felt a hand clasp over her mouth, and she was pulled up against someone.

Victoria spun her around so fast that she almost fell over from being so dizzy. "Shh, Devorah. I'm going to get you out of here, ok?" as she used a spell to cloak the two of them, making them completely invisible. She intertwined her hand with Devorah's small one and began running until they were far away from the chaos. The two ran to the outskirts of the kingdom and found an abandoned home, that looked to be extremely old and worn down. Doing a quick scan around the area, Victoria reversed the invisibility spell on them, as they made their way into the home.

The TribridOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora