Start from the beginning


Around 4 in the evening, Veronica and her team arrived in the Othman Haveli.

The theme was white and red for the day.

Laiba's dress was a white Anarkali suit and a traditional red Banarasi chadar(shawl/dupatta).

Unlike the other days, she didn't interfere when the team did her make up. She let them do whatever they had in mind for her and surprisingly, fell in love with the look. The dress was by far the best she had ever worn in her life. The fabric was pure silk and sequence work on the dress was elegant, pleasing and graceful.

Her hijab was a gift from Veronica, an ivory satin one. Very considerate of her. Very thoughtful. She realised in that moment that this Veronica girl wasn't that bad(If only she kept her hands to herself and not flirt with Aariz, she could be friends with her).

After thanking her for nth time, Laiba wrapped the hijab around her head and draped the chadar over her shoulder. From among all the jewellery that was presented to her, she chose a watch, some bangles and a tikka on her forehead.


"Where is Laiba's?"


Habeeba came looking for her as she was fastening the strap on her pumps around her ankles.

"I'm here. What is it?" She asked, straightening up on her seat.

"Where's your phone? Aariz has been calling you?" Habeeba informed her.

"Was he?" Laiba's eyes slightly widened.

"Yeah! Hurry up! Check your phone. He was asking me about you." She told her and went out of the room.

With a funny feeling in her chest, she hurridly looked for her cellphone around the room and found it on the sofa. Mehek and Essa jumping on it, the phone bouncing and landing on the edge.

Her heart almost leaped out of her throat.

"Heyyyy!!!" She exclaimed in horror, launching herself towards the sofa and catching the phone before it could hit the ground.

"Phew!" Laiba exhaled with relief as she held her phone to her chest.

Mehek and Essa stopped jumping and exchanged looks before escaping from there, laughing.

Laiba shook her head and dropped herself on now empty sofa. She unlocked her cellphone and checked her logs. 3 missed calls from Aariz. 3 unopened messages.

Two was from Aariz.

One was from an Unknown number. She recognised the number right away. She panicked and her hands began shivering as she clicked it open.

Your worst nightmare.

She had asked the person who it was and this was what they had replied.

Creases formed on her forehead as she frowned at the text.

Who was it?

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