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Since he was young, he always attracted attention. Good and bad ones

The good ones, because he was an adorable little boy who was basically sunshine personified

The bad ones, because his twin brother got into so much trouble and sometimes people mistook him for his brother so he ends up taking the fall for it.

Most of the time he's beloved and adored, adults gushed about him because he's so helpful and kind, while other kids fluttered around like butterflies or bees to a flower.

When he became a teenager, nothing much changed really. Except, his grandfather got sick and was sent to the hospital, he had to take on part time jobs to support them and he couldn't spend as much time as he wants with his friends anymore, but other than that, everything was fine.

Except for when delinquents from other schools mistake him for his brother and try to fight him, which, as much as he tries to avoid it, he ends up fighting them and getting his clothes ruined.

And then he had to transfer schools.

It was a rainy morning when Yuji said good bye to the occult club. They were sad to let him go, but they've only known him for a couple of weeks so they weren't really heartbroken. Which, is fine for him.

The whole thing is already weird, switching schools mid-term because his grandpa was hospitalized for an indefinite time. The school he leaves behind is too far from home, and too far from the hospital.

Yuji didn't think twice before deciding to make this change. He wouldn't leave his grandpa forgotten in a cold hospital bed with no one for company, because he was cranky just like that. His twin barely even visits their grandpa, despite promising to. He's too 'busy' with his school.

And by that, he means busy with gangs.


On his first day on his new school, he felt like a shoujo manga character. New guy transferring to another school during mid terms and getting various looks, that kind of thing.

He stands Infront of the classroom, his name written on the board. "Itadori Yuji! Hajimemashite!" He introduced himself with a big grin.

Their sensei, Nanami Kento, told him he can sit wherever he wants.

"You're not even gonna make him tell us more about himself?" The girl in the front row asked and the whole class murmurs in agreement.

"If you're curious about him, ask him yourself" Nanami said sitting behind his desk and waving the whole thing off.

The class boos, but they settle when the teacher simply looks up at them in silent warning. "During break" He stresses, in a flat, monotone voice. Yuji can't figure out if they're afraid of Nanami Kento, or if they actually respect him. But Yuji feels that he's going to like this man, and this school.

He took the seat at the back of the classroom, by the window. Beside him was a boy with black hair. Some of it covered half of his face, and his head was lowered down.

Yuji wasn't sure if the boy was sleeping or not, so he didn't bother him.

His eyes roamed the classroom, only half paying attention to what Nanami was saying, math was never his favorite subject anyway.

His eyes caught sight of an short haired brunette girl looking at him. She seemed to be studying him, from the way her brows were furrowed. When she noticed him looking at her, she gave him a smirk and returned her attention to the front. Then his eyes landed on another boy with black hair, this time his hair was a little bit spiky, and his face was an expression of utmost concentration.

When the spiky haired boy felt him looking at him, he turned to Yuji's direction. Yuji flashed him a smile, before returning his attention to the window.

Later on, during lunch, he approached his classmates, making small talk with them. Pretty soon he was having a full on conversation with them about an action movie that was just released.

From the corners of his eyes, he saw the short haired brunette and spiky black haired boy leave the classroom. The girl has her hands behind her head while the boy put on earphones.

And then he saw a flash of what seemed to be...white hair? Pass their classroom. He wasn't really sure, because the person who passed the classroom was so fast he only caught a fleeting glimpse of white hair, but he was sure he also caught blue eyes.

Soon he ran out of things to talk about with his classmate, and decides to just finish up his lunch.

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