Chapter 22: Battle with the Tree-Trunk Tribe...

Start from the beginning

"Right, here's the plan."


Ellie looked around the tree, taking momentary glances to check if Lucas was anywhere around. But, Seijo interrupted her and said,

"You know, looking around for him isn't going to make him arrive here any sooner."

"Well, you can't fault me for at least trying.", Ellie said as she tried to squirm free from the seeds, but they only bound tighter as she tried to escape. She eventually got tired from trying and looked to the corridor behind, seeing Slaking and the boy commanding it walking along the corridor. Ellie immediately held still, trying to appear as if she hadn't been trying to escape before.

The boy and Slaking wandered towards Seijo, and said to him,

"Look, I've given you some time to think things over. Now, are you ready to hand over the member of the tribe that you stole?"

"I highly doubt this is going to make you change your mind, but I'll tell you again. I. Don't. Know. Where. It. Is."

"Really? So, you just caught it then suddenly got a severe case of amnesia?"

"Well, I did get slammed violently against the wall by that Slaking of yours, so that may be the case.", Seijo with a smile. The boy scowled and yelled at Slaking,

"Alright, I've ran out of patience. Grab that girl."

Slaking raised a hand to Ellie, ripping the seeds as it grabbed Ellie. Ellie squirmed and yelled at the boy,

"Hey, put me down!"

"I don't think I will."

Slaking gripped Ellie even tighter, Ellie yelping as she felt her entire body being compressed. Seijo looked at Ellie with fear, then to the boy, who had a smirk on his face,

"So, are you ready to tell us now?"

"Look, I don't know what to tell you. If I had Slakoth, I would've gave it to you already.", Seijo said, making eye contact with the boy, then looking above his head, "But, it seems your answer is coming your way now."

The boy turned around to find Lucas walking forwards with a Pokeball in his hand, yelling at the boy,

"Let her go! Now."

It was the first time that Seijo or Ellie had seen him truly angry, and he looked like he was about to fight with all that he had. But, the boy wasn't fazed, and just said,

"Well, I don't need you to be making the demands. I'm sure you remember how this went last time."

"Fine then.", Lucas said with a scowl, "What do you want?"

"The member of my family that was stolen from your friend over here. Slakoth."

Lucas held out the Pokeball in his hand, gaining composure for just a second and saying,

"Well then, here you go. Your lost member."

Lucas pressed the button on the Pokeball, the Slakoth slowly fading out of the Pokeball and onto the cold floor of the tree trunk. The boy smiled wide and rushed up to the Slakoth, petting it on the head and rubbing the underside of its neck.

"Oh, thank Arceus you're safe! Are you doing okay?"

Slakoth lazily nodded its head, and the small interaction between the boy and the Slakoth instantly made Lucas' anger cool down. He then said again,

"So, can you let my friend go?"

"Oh right, sorry. Slaking, release the girl."

Slaking looked at the boy, then back to Ellie, and gained a sinister grin. It squeezed even tighter around Ellie, and Ellie screamed out with extreme anguish. The boy panicked and yelled,

"Stop! What are you doing?"

Lucas watched with open eyes, as Crobat rushed forwards and began slicing at Slaking. Then, Lucas yelled out,

"Ralts, hold Slaking in place! Zorua, free Seijo!"

Ralts popped from a Pokeball and instantly used Confusion on Slaking, making everything still except for his arm, which relinquished control of Ellie. She dropped to the floor, then Lucas held out a hand. She grabbed it and pulled herself up, rushing to the wall to untangle Seijo along with Zorua. Slaking then broke free of the Confusion, striking Ralts against the wall, and then flapping away Crobat with ease. It roared with fiery energy and was so caught up that it didn't notice Shroomish and Mudkip above it.

"Shroomish, Leech Seed! Mudkip, Water Gun!"

Shroomish plumed out five odd seeds on Slaking, then sprouting into thorny vines when hit with Water Gun. Slaking became entangled with the vines that sapped its energy. But, they didn't hold up against Slaking's strength, and the Normal-type tore through them like paper. It raised a fist to Shroomish and Mudkip, almost thrusting forwards. But, it suddenly stopped and yawned, rolling over onto the floor. Lucas was stunned and asked,

"Why did it stop?"

"Truant. Sometimes, it's too lazy to do anything. But, I'm glad that it did.", the boy said, breathing a sigh of relief.

"So, should we catch it?"

"Go ahead.", the boy said, taking a step back as Lucas tossed the ball through the twisting vines and hitting the Slaking. The Pokeball sucked in Slaking, then dropped to the floor, covered by the thorny vines. It rolled three times and then popped and shrunk down.

Crobat sliced through the vines with absolute ease and balanced the Pokeball carefully on its wing, floating gently over and dropping the Pokeball into the boy's hand. The boy looked up and said,

"Thanks, I've never had a Pokeball before. I suppose I never needed one, but after that display, I think I'll need one now. My name's Night by the way."

"Good to meet you, Night. Well, formally at least.", Lucas said, both shaking hands. Then, Ellie stepped in and asked,

"So, you don't know why Slaking was acting up like that?"

"No, it's the first time I've seen it disobey a command. It probably just got too excitable, so I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

Lucas thought for a second, and a sudden thought popped into his head.

"Torchic! Where did you put Torchic?"

"That chick Pokemon? I think it's still being held captive by a few Vigoroth."

And, indeed it was. But, it had managed to break free from captivity and bounced into Lucas's arms. Lucas was taken aback, but then smiled and hugged Torchic as tightly as he could. It felt like a hot water bottle as he hugged Torchic, and warmed his torso. Then, the Vigoroth came running in, but Night dismissed them from chasing down Torchic with a simple hand gesture.

"I'm so glad you're okay.", Lucas whispered as Torchic chirped with delight. Lucas then turned around and said to Night, "Well, now that I've got Torchic back, I have a small request."

"Sure! What is it?"

"Well, I was hoping to be able to find Shroomish's family.", Lucas said as Torchic jumped onto his shoulder, allowing him to grab Shroomish, "I wouldn't suppose you would know any sort of Shroomish in this area?"

"I actually do! I could show you right now, if you'd like."

"That'd be great!"

"Then, follow me."


I have no idea what to say lol. Just, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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