Chapter twenty five

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*This chapter may be triggering for some viewers so i wouldn't suggest reading if you get triggered by sh*

~Third pov~
It has been precisely 7 days since Lia has taken her medication, everyday she either pretends to take them and put them in her socks and then flush them or she keeps them in her mouth until she can spit them out.

Slowly by slowly Lia is going downhill, yet no one seems to be noticing. Fiona is too busy keeping carl in school, Lips busy with school , Debs and Ian are doing whatever there doing and frank is being the absent dad he always is. He is living at the Jackson's house now.

Its currently 2.30pm and everyone is out the house, well expect for Lia. Shes just woken up and is currently getting ready.

~Ophelia pov~
I pick up a pair of grey joggers and a black longsleeve cropped top. I chuck on my converse and head downstairs. I look at my phone to see 4 messages from Enzo. I havnt seen him since he was last here and haven't talked much either he must be busy.

                        Enzo- Hi lia i know ur probably not awake yet but im just yelling u that i have had to leave town for a bit as i have a big job

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- Hi lia i know ur probably not awake yet but im just yelling u that i have had to leave town for a bit as i have a big job.
- stay safe
- and make sure u take ur medication.
- ill see you as soon as i come back
Enzo xx

I close my phone and sigh, well that means no fun for ages and i already haven't been taking my medicine. Oops i think as i giggle. I walk downstairs to find a completely quite house , you don't get that often so I'm going to enjoy it.

I make my way into the kitchen skipping with singing along to the radio. I don't even know where we got that from maybe we stole it from Kev and v, i think as i shrug my shoulders.

I open the cupboard that holds my medication and take down all the bottles. While humming to the tune i pour each bottle out onto the side. Once all the bottles are empty i smile and scoop them all up into my hands. I rush over to the bathroom and drop them in the toilet.

I wide grin appears on my face as i see the pills slowly swirl down the toilet. "Yayyy" i say as i clap my hands. I run back into the kitchen and start getting out ingredients to make cookie. Hmmm I'm feeling chocolate chip cookies , Debs love those and Liam awwww i love Liam not his smelly ass though.

Its been around 10 minutes and i have made the dough and now rolling them into balls and putting them onto a tray. I pick up the tray and go towards the oven when my foot slips on a pill that must of fallen on the floor making me fall face forwards me my cookie dough going everywhere.

I slowly sit up and just stare at the tray. Something about this happening made my eyes water and before i know it I'm sat on the floor silently crying starting at the cookie on the floor. I slowly teach into the kitchen draw and pull out a knife. I sit back on the floor and spin it around in my hands.

I go from crying to smiling back to crying very fast.

~Fiona pov~
Its currently 5.30pm and we are all heading into the house. Ian had work , Debs was at the park, lip was doing god knows what and i was out with Steve. I left Lia at home sleeping because shes been really tired recently and i think she deserved a good rest.

As we walk into the house carl and Debbie run straight upstairs. Lip jumps and lays down on the couch and i start to take my coat off. I place it on the banister and walk towards the kitchen when i stop in my tracks.

I see Lia sat on the floor silently crying as she holds a knife while looking at a tray of cookies what i can tell she dropped. I gasp making Lia turn around. She has no emotion on her face and it makes a light bulb in my head turn on.

Has she been taking her medication? But i have been seeing her do it.Lia slowly lifts up the knife and points it towards me. "Lia put down the knife please" i say in a soft voice as i place my hands up in-front of me.

Lip and Steve are stood behind me with shocked and scared looks on their faces. One Steve has never seen Lia like this and two lip knows what happens when shes like this. It has happened before.

She doesn't move or even flinch "do you know my pills" she says in a low voice, her voice sounds so empty and broken. "What have you done with ur pills Ophelia " i say with concern rising in me." Oh you don't need to worry about them anymore" she says while turning her head to the left a little.

"Gone?" I say softly. "Yeh i flushed them down the fucking toilet" she says, a small grin appearing on her face. "Shit" i mutter under my breath. "Come on give me the knife and lets go get u some more medicine " lip says pushing past me , but Lia just lifts up the knife towards him making him stop.

"Im so fed up" she says as she drops her head. This is hurting me seeing her like this, a tear escapes my eye. "Please give me the knife" i say practically begging. "I haven't been taking my medication for a week " she says as she lifts her head. Fuck thats why shes like this. "Come on Lia lets get u cleaned up" i say slowly walking up to her. "NO back up" she says pointing the knife at me. I slowly back up but apparently not fast enough "i said back the fuck up" she screamed making me jump. Hot tears start streaming down my face.

I don't want to make her more upset so we just sit in silence for a few minutes. " I'm not doing well" she said breaking the silence. I know this, i think in my head." Im really really not doing well" she says while a tear escapes her eyes. " I know that you guys hate that i do drugs but I've never been fully clean and i never will, its how i fucking survive" she says raising her voice a bit , i can tell shes trying so hard not to let those tears leave her eyes.

"Come on Lia we can talk about this tomorrow" lip says speaking for the first time in ages. Lia begins to shake her head "but thats the thing i don't want there to be a tomorrow" she says with a smug look. I start panicking "what about Enzo Lia he love you" i say with tears falling down my face. "Bullshit no one loves me" she says while rising the knife to her wrists.

Lip lunges forward to stop her but we were a bit late as blood starts pouring out her arms. Lip take the knife and passes it to me , making me quickly chuck it to the side away from reach. Lip is currently pinning her to the floor , Steve moves in to help by holding her legs still. Lia is currently screaming and crying so much. Saying stuff i know she probably doesn't mean.

I hope the kids don't come down. I pick up my phone and call somewhere i hoped i wouldn't have to call again.

10 minutes later Lia is still crying and screaming just as the front door opens and 5 big bulky men dressed in white walk towards the kitchen. "Shes there" i says pointing to the floor. Then men walk over and pick her up so easily that she cant really move in there hold. "You cant take me back there" she screams as they move towards the front door. "I will come back for all of you." She says while going out the front door.

Tears are falling down my face as i watch them put her in the van. Everyone is now crowded in the street, i guess her screaming woke up the kids and v and Kev. She still streaming threats until one of them men pull out a syringe and put it in her arm making her go limp. "We will contact you letting u know how she is"one of the men tell me before getting in the van and driving away with my sister inside.

Everyone now is crying , i lean into Steve. "Now we just have to wait." Lip says before walking into the house, everyone following except me.

How ever long shes gunna me in there , its not gunna be the same at home. Just like last time.
1535 words
Chapter twenty five, and that is the end of this book i hope you guys enjoyed it , its been fun to write:)

Do you guys want a second book for this story.

Until next time byeeee 🥀

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