Chapter Twenty Four

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~Ophelia pov~
I wake up not feeling myself, well not feeling anything at all. I just feel numb everywhere. Its been precisely 2 weeks and 2 days since this last happened. Ive been doing so good taking my medicine and trying to be good but the part of me i hate always seems to come back.

I sit up in bed and take a rolled joint of my beside table , lighting it and taking a hit. Taking a deep breath letting the smoke fill my lungs , i let out a small laugh as i fall back onto the bed looking up to the ceiling.

After my blunt is finished i get back into bed and drift back to sleep. I hear a knock at the door but i dont reply, the door creaks open and i hear footsteps walking towards me. "Hey Lia you going to get up " Lip says as she gently shakes me.

"No" i reply quietly still staring at the wall. I think he got the hint as he left not pushing the conversation any further. I just blankly stare at the wall, i don't feel anything right now. Im like a big room that is completely empty , nothing filled inside.

~Third person pov~
Lia laid in bed staring blankly at the wall in-front of her. She'd been in bed all day ,she didn't answer anybody at the door, and she hasn't spoken a word since lip came in her room this morning .

A knock sounded on her door, causing Loa to let out a small groan. She'd been tangled in her blankets and duvet all day, buried between two pillows and sulking into the comfortable mattress and staring into emptiness . Her legs were all twisted in the sheets, laying on her stomach with her hair a complete mess.Earlier in the day she cried , she didn't know why she was crying but the emotion overtook her, and then fell asleep right afterwards it felt like the best sleep in the world to her.

The person at the door didn't wait for her to answer before twisting the doorknob and opening the door themselves.Lia was only wearing one of lips old t-shirts that he gave her she had completely nothing underneath because she was tired of being uncomfortable and liked feeling free down there. The door swung open, before footsteps sounded closer to her, and a hand was placed on her shoulder "Hey baby" The voice of Enzo filled through the room, "I brought you up some toast and orange juice , it doesn't have the bits in as i know you don't like them"he says while placing them onto her bedside table.

He then pulls out her pills that she hasn't taken today, but Lia is quick to push them away "no no no" she kept saying in a low raspy voice. Enzo knows that she needs to take them but he doesn't want her to have a meltdown. He sighs and places them next to the toast on the plate. He makes a self reminder to make her take them later.

Lia scoots up the bed leaving a gap for Enzo to get in and lay with her. He pulls Lia into his side as she rests her head on his chest.

~2 hours later~
Lia was laid in Enzo's arm, his arm cradling her head and not allowing her to rest her head on his chest.She still couldn't sleep her mind was open, the clock next to her reading 4:34 and the sun has already starting to go down making it more dark outside. The duvet was hardly covering her anymore and was kicked down the bed. Her head slightly tilted, looking over at Enzo who was now taking small, peaceful breaths, his mouth slightly parted and his hair sticking to his forehead , he fell asleep not after getting into bed with Lia.

He also definitely forgot to make Lia take her meds , but Lia didn't forget.

She slowly peels herself out of Enzo's arms making sure not to wake him. She grabs the pills off the plate besides her and takes a small bite out of the toast, also drinking some of the orange juice that will help the plan for later.

She opens the bedroom door and looks both ways to see if there is anyone there , but there is no one so its safe to go. She rushes quickly to the bathroom and locks the door behind her. Quickly opening the toilet seat she chucks the pills in and flushes as soon as they hit the water. She makes sure they probably go down and don't float back up. Once she notices they are gone she makes her way back to the bedroom.

Getting back in bed she places Enzo's arm back around her, the pills being gone make her feel calmer and she drifts to sleep against Enzo's bare chest.

862 words
Chapter twenty four, sorry that took so long to write i kinda had writers block.

Also how do you guys feel about the third point of view instead of first??? Should i start doing it more??

Anyway byeeee 🥀

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