Moon 5

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"So what rank are you?" the Alpha asked as he and his four beta friends cornered the blue eyed male in his sitting corner.

"Why does it bother you?" Taehyung asked with a sigh, this is the routine every other day. Wolves always feeling insecure at the fact his rank cannot be detected like other.

"Come on! Don't be cocky, we just wanna know. You are too pretty to be an alpha but look too strong to be an omega"

Taehyung finally stood up at the statement with a lazy smile on his flawless face 

"It shouldn't bother you darling" he said before pushing one of the beta to make a way for himself to get out of there but the alpha was not letting this go so easily so he tried to grab Taehyung's hand to stop him.

But before he could grab the blued eye male he was swiftly grabbed by his arm which was twisted to his back and pushed into the closest wall, any forceful movement would dislocate his shoulder with the position he was placed in. He sent a warning glare to the other wolves trying to attack too

Taehyung sighed "It's just the first day of school after a long time plus I am very hungry. So if you kids will let me have a peaceful day it will be very appreciated" he said to the alpha he was pressing to the wall not really having the energy to argue with the arrogant wolves.

The alpha pressed to wall was so stunned at the other male's strength that he could not respond till he felt his hand been released and the blued eye male walking off.

When he looked at his friends who seem to be stunned too. "Did you get any information on him?" He asked one of the betas

"Nothing really, just that his classmates graduated last year and he missed the whole year hence why he is in school this year"

"Nothing about his rant or anything in particular?" he asked again still looking at the disappearing male.

"I will check again, Mark" the beta answered as they all start walking to the field to start practice but was stopped by another Alpha and a beta.

"Hi, Mark" Jungkook greeted with a sick smile on his face while swinging a baseball bat in one hand.

"Jeon?" Mark greeted back though surprised as to why the Jeon Jungkook would be suddenly interested in him.

"Heard you are bullying students still" Jungkook asked checking out the baseball bat not sparing the other Alpha a glance.

"I wasn't and even if I was how is that any of your concern" The other alpha responded

"Well it's none of my concern truly but you are picking on the wrong one this time. I am going to let it go this once because it's the first day of school" Jungkook said before walking toward the said Alpha till he was just a few inches away. He leaned closer to him close enough to whisper only for his hearing.

"If I see you any where near that wolf again, I am going to wait for you after school, drag you into the woods and stab you a hundred times avoiding every vital organs, watch you bleed out, heal and continue the stabbing till my count is complete" Jungkook whispered into his ear before pulling away facing an angry Mark.

He turned away from the Alpha to join his friend.

"You know I mean every word. Let's not test it" he added before walking back into the school building to get lunch.

They still need to train after school.

"You know you didn't have to scare him that much" Yeonjun sighed, everything about Jungkook is always too intense sometimes.

"He needed to know he is trying to play with a dangerous target plus it's better now than when he actually harms my mate because just then I might be putting a claw in his neck instead of some warning" Jungkook responded and Yeon could hearing the rubbling in this words.


The tro walked back to the pack house after school with a gloomy Jungkook. He has been whining how he didn't even get to talk to his mate atall the whole day and next minute he is sending curse words to Mark for distracting him during the lunch hours.

"Let's go for run when we get back to the house, I need to get rid of this anger before I join the training" he said to his friends.

"I have things to do, we were given new project and I need to meet with my partner before training later" Soobin said

"Me I'm too lazy to go for a run now plus I'm starving" Yeonjun said not really wanting to take a run when it was still bright out.

Jungkook just scoff at his friends abandoning him.

"I will just go alone, the alone time might just be what I need" he said handing his bag to Yeonjun "Please drop my bag for me at home, if I get home now hyung will not allow me leaving again" he added as he removing his accessories and placing them in the bag to avoid misplacing them.

"Be careful Kook, Don't run too close to the borders. Immediately mindlink us if you feel unsafe" Soobin advised

"He will be fine, come and cook for me" Yeonjun said while pulling the other away as Jungkook walked into the woods after waving his friends away.

Jungkook walked further till the forest started getting darker, he slowly removed his clothes and placed them neatly under a tree leaving a mark on it so he would easily recognize it when he returned.

He stood in only his brief and started walking down the forest, his steps quickened and soon he was running. He ran in full speed enjoying how the wind was blowing through his hair and against his naked skin.

He kept running and jumping over fallen branches till he got to a big fallen tree causing him to smirk and he leaped over the falling tree with his hands stretched forward, his eyes turned red and he transformed smoothly into his midnight wolf landing on his paws.

His wolf howled in excitement as he ran faster through the quiet forest, his senses are sharper when in his wolf form so is his eye sight. The wolf just raced through the forest his paws digging into dirt as he Leaps over every fallen trees and branches. The wind blowing through his furs felt so amazing.

His head seem to be clearer with the wind, he kept running and didn't realized how far he had gone from the pack.

He started coming to his senses when he heard a sound coming from ahead causing him to slow down. The forest was dark so aside his scent no one can actually see him in his wolf form because he blended perfectly into the dark forest.

He ran towards the sound wondering why anyone would be out here very far from the main pack house. He probably should be heading back too.

The border is not very far from here and it's not safe anymore but just as he was about to turn around and ignore who ever it was. He caught a very familiar scent causing him to halt in his steps


Who is out there in the far end of the forest?

See you next chapter

I purple you


1258 words

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