Chapter Fourteen: Friends And Foes

Start from the beginning

"(Y/n)!!" Max Caulfield's voice shouted at the top of her lungs.

The brunette came running towards him with his backpack hung over her shoulder. She removed it from her shoulder and handed it back to (Y/n) who was briefly relieved to have his bag back. 

"Thank you, Max." (Y/n) said appreciatively.

"Still didn't find your book?"

(Y/n) shook his head.

"Bummer. I'm sure it'll turn up somewhere," she said encouragingly and patted his arm. "I suppose we gotta go to English next."

The two then proceeded to make their way to class where they found that they were the last two who were expected to enter the classroom shortly, followed by their teacher, Mr Tate. The sixty-five year-old placed his bag in his desk and commenced the start if class by leading his students to where they left off in Shakespeare. Max immediately zoned out at that moment while (Y/n) remained attentive by writing notes and listening simultaneously. 

Those in their class also shared the same reaction to Mr Tate's lecturing: half were either asleep or bored, or dead focused and writing notes. The lesson that carried out flew by until the sound of the school bell ringing snapped everyone out of their daze. (Y/n) was surprised when he realised that he'd written a page and a half of notes in contrary to how limited others who were focused could write. Every student packed up and flooded out of the classroom.

Routinely, the students that flooded the halls of Blackwell Academy prior to the bell ringing. To their second lesson for the day, (Y/n) had been anxious to retrieve his notebook back while the the scheme to bring (Y/n) and Kate together was still underway. All it would take was a little patience. For (Y/n)'s second lesson that day, he had his mind elsewhere that he didn't realise he was being watched. Not by one pair of eyes, but by two. 

"I'd like to thank everyone for arriving punctually," sand the teacher. "And now that we have everybody ready for today's lesson, I'd like everybody to take a moment to ensure that while you are allowed to dress how you please, but to also take into consideration the regulations for the male dress code, Mr Donohue..." 

Where (Y/n) had seated himself down at the back of the classroom where some of the withdrawn students resided, his head perked up at the call of his name where he noticed his teacher staring crossly at him. 

"You need to shave, young man. You'll do that at the end of this lesson. But putting stubble beards aside, let's get right into today's lesson. As you're currently aware, Mr Donohue, this is World History, where we'll be discussing about storms. Today, in particular I'd like to talk about tornadoes." 

Just a table across from him, (Y/n) had a certain dirty-blonde girl staring at him with the admiration of the five o'clock shadow he let grow out since Thursday afternoon. The girl with the golden cross necklace quickly diverted her attention back to her teacher who began to define what a tornado was. 

"Tornadoes are a lethal combination of wind and power. What causes tornadoes, I hear you ask? Well thank you for putting minimal effort to at least try, younglings, for I have the answer. They are created when hot air and cold air collide. And when these air masses collide, the wind changes direction, creating uncertainty in which creates a wind funnel that grows in height and strength. Wind shear is a main component for the formation of a tornado - said main component is the change of direction and speed of the wind with height. This can create a horizontal spinning effect within a storm cell." 

The teacher used his hands for visual representation of a tornado's movement. The students were quite invested in the topic which seemed to make them want to know what they would come up against in their lives such as tornadoes and earthquakes. Whilst their teacher was so half-focused on explaining what tornadoes were and simultaneously scanning his eyes across the faces looking at him, there was one that took his interest. 

"... and normally you can point out a tornado is by the sky turning a dark greenish colour. Also by the eerie silence before the storm coming, which is where you will normally hear a lout roar similarly to that of a freight train. And that won't be the only other storm coming if you don't get off your phone, Ms Gingrich!!" 

The girl with a white beanie and a red and orange flame logo on it jumped in her seat when her teacher raised his voice so thunderously. The mobile device in her hands shot up into the air, bringing everyone's attention onto it when it began its descent, where it was caught not by the girl's lap, but by the teacher's hand. Nosily, he looked at her phone and caught his student writing notes on something that wasn't about his class. 

"Texting your friends in class, Ms Gingrich? Or are you organising another Dungeons and Dragons role-play?" 

"I-I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again." 

"It'd better not, otherwise I'll confiscate this for the entire day, Ms Gingrich. But... you do have a gift for such a... nerdy activity. Don't let me catch you again. Now, where were we? Ah yes, tornadoes..." 

Just when (Y/n) was getting focused on his lesson, he noticed a hand reach for his pencil case where he intercepted the hand trying to take a pen without his saying so and found himself face to face with somebody he did not want to mess with. 

"Put. The pen. Down," whispered (Y/n) commandingly. 

"Or what? Don't tell me what to do. I need a new pen." A boy wearing a red and gold jock jumper snarled defiantly. 

"Not my pen. Go ask someone else - don't just go for mine without asking." 

"Give me the pen already, weirdo." 

(Y/n) rolled his eyes. "Whatever dude. Hey, what's that?" 

The jock pulled a confused expression and looked around when suddenly (Y/n) snatched the pen from his hand and reached his arm back which was followed by a quick reaction that the jock clenched his fist and reared his arm back when the sound of someone clearing their throat prevented a fight from breaking out. The two boys snapped their heads in the direction of the voice clear where they spotted their teacher staring at them. 

Nervously, the two boys cracked a reassuring smile and eased up on one another where the jock patted (Y/n) and in turn, he tidied his jacket before they acted like obedient students. To the teacher, it seemed enough to set the boys in their place for the remainder of class until the sound of the bell ended the temporary truce. 

Everyone in the room scrambled to get out of class, surprisingly including the teacher as tension built in the air. The few students who hung back in the classroom were the ones who had created the confliction between one another and the young Christian girl whose presence was ignored as a fight broke out. 

"Yo, what's your damage, man? You can't just take people's stuff without their permission." 

"Who the fuck cares?! You weren't even using it!" 

"And that justifies taking something that doesn't belong to you? You probably wouldn't have even given it back!" 

"Oh I'll give it back, alright. I'll stick that pen right up your ass if you want it back so much!" 

"Yo, fuck off, man!" 

When (Y/n) shoved the jock, the jock instantly retaliated by throwing his fist at (Y/n)'s face. The punch caused Kate to jump as she watched (Y/n) get knocked to the ground, hitting a desk with his back as he fell down. Unfortunately, (Y/n) was given no chance to defend himself as the jock kicked him while he was down. Eventually, the jock stopped. 

"Don't you ever try and start shit to me, Donohue! I will wreck you!" The jock boomed. 

(Y/n) managed to get back up to his feet, with the support of the desk next to him. Once he was up on his feet, his own hand clenched tightly in anger before he lashed out and punched the jock straight in the mouth. Even (Y/n) didn't realise his own strength until he ended up throwing the jock backwards. When he caught himself, the jock touched his lip and tasted blood. The two boys stared each other down, the jock began to wander to the door. 

Without taking his eyes off (Y/n), the jock raised his arm up and pointed at him. "I'll let you have that one... Leslie. I'll be seeing you soon. Real soon..." 

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