"Ron!" he heard Hermione yell. "Ron!"

Harry echoed her, desperation edging his voice. "Ron, where are you?"

"Here!" Ron shouted back. "I'm here!"

There they were, Harry and Hermione hand in hand. Ron grabbed Hermione's free arm and felt her turn on the spot. The Burrow disappeared all around them, then they were standing in front of Grimmauld Place.

They hurried inside.

"Sirius said he'd meet us here," Ron told them.

"Well, I hope it's soon," Harry muttered, looking toward the door.

Ron guessed he was worried about all those people. "We can't do anything about them now."

Harry's jaw clenched, but he nodded.

They waited a while in tense silence. The Polyjuice Potion slowly wore off and Harry was back to his dark-haired, green-eyed self. He pushed his glasses back in place.

Ron tried to remember when he had last seen his family, but all he could recall was Sirius helping the twins. No, there had been Ginny alongside Bill at one point — wait, no, that had been right before the panic had ensued.

Then a Patronus appeared. "Family is safe," the weasel said in Ron's father's voice, "do not reply, we are being watched."

Ron's legs gave way underneath him and he sank onto the sofa. Harry and Hermione joined him.

"They're all right, they're all right!" Hermione whispered, and Ron half laughed. He felt Harry's arms wrap around him. His head brushed against Ron's neck, and Ron wrapped his arm over his shoulder. Hermione pressed up against him on his other side, her bushy hair tickling Ron's face.

They were still sitting like this when Sirius walked in, shutting the door behind him quietly.

"Sirius!" Hermione leapt to her feet in relief, but Harry drew his wand.

"Prove you're really him."

Sirius paused, his hands raised in surrender. "Sirius Black, also known by the Marauder name Padfoot as well as Snuffles. I gave you a two-way mirror to use if Snape ever did anything during your Occlumency lessons."

Harry lowered his wand. "Had to check."

"Which is a good thing, Harry." Sirius walked forward. Up close, Ron saw blood oozing from a cut on his cheek, but otherwise, he looked fine.

"Do you know how your family's doing?" Sirius asked Ron.

"Dad just sent a Patronus," Ron replied. "They're all right, but they're being watched."

"Figured," muttered Sirius. "And I will probably get back to being wanted by the Ministry."

He wiped his face, swore under his breath, then went to clean up.

[Sleepy time]

The first thing Harry registered when he woke up was Ron's arm slung over his shoulder. Harry carefully wriggled out and sat up. Already, his thoughts were drifting toward Dumbledore and what Ron's Aunt Muriel had said about him. Had Doge been right in insisting Harry not tarnish his opinion on Dumbledore? Why hadn't Dumbledore told him anything? Did Sirius know?

Restless, Harry stood and headed up the stairs until he reached the landing Sirius' bedroom lay. He hesitated, uncertain if Sirius was still sleeping in his old bedroom or if he had slept elsewhere. The door was ajar, so Harry poked his head in. Sirius wasn't there.

Sirius must have had the time of his life pissing his parents off, for the walls were covered in Gryffindor banners, photos of Muggle motorcycles, and posters of Muggle girls. Then Harry's eyes landed on one particular picture.

His father was in it, with Lupin and Sirius on either side. On Sirius' other side was Pettigrew, but Harry did not dwell on him.

"Fourth year."

Harry jumped and turned to see Sirius standing in the doorway. The cut wasn't bleeding anymore, leaving behind a scar that would take a few days to close up. He didn't look angry at Harry for trespassing and merely stepped in farther to stand next to him.

"We took it in our fourth year," he explained. "You can imagine how my parents reacted when they first saw this here."

Harry nodded distractedly. His eyes had landed on a crumpled, handwritten note.

Sirius' eyes followed Harry's. "Lily wrote to me."

Numbness crept up Harry's spine. He reached down and picked the note up.

Sirius stood there in silence as he read and reread the note.

Harry felt his vision blur and he wiped his eyes. "You got me my first broomstick."

Sirius smiled sadly. "Yeah. Don't know what happened to it. Probably got blown to bits after... after that night."

"And what does she mean Dumbledore was friends with Grindelwald?" Harry wondered. "He fought him!"

"They could have been close when they were younger," Sirius pointed out reasonably. "People turning against each other isn't exactly a new thing."

He was scowling at the image of Pettigrew. Harry knew he still wished he could go after his former friend, especially now.

"Harry? Harry! Harry!"

"He's in here!" Sirius called, and raised an eyebrow at Harry. "You didn't tell them where you were?"

Harry winced, shaking his head.

Ron burst inside, sides heaving. "You don't just wander off without telling someone!" he berated. He seemed to finally notice Sirius and the room. "What are you doing in here anyway?"

"I was just thinking about Dumbledore," Harry said. "Your Aunt Muriel and Elphias Doge were arguing about him."

Ron rolled his eyes. "Muriel would argue over whether or not the sky were blue." He pointed to the letter. "So what's that?"

Harry handed it to him and watched his face as he read it. Ron's face softened. "She makes her 'g's the same way you do."

"You've — you've noticed how I write?" Harry asked.

Ron stiffened, his eyes darting everywhere but Harry. "Maybe a few things."

Sirius stifled a snort and looked away.

"We should probably go to the kitchen," Ron said after a moment. "Can't think on an empty stomach."

"Okay." Harry watched him go, then said, mostly to himself, "Would this be a bad time to say I want to marry him?"

"Probably better now when we're as safe as we can be," Sirius said.

Harry blinked owlishly at him. "Oh. Um... maybe later, then."

Sirius resisted the urge to throw his hands in the air as he followed his godson out.

I'll have to check to see if I have any other semi-completed drafts like this, but I don't think I do. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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