He could no longer hear anything after it. He was lost on the current predicament his mind bought him. He could only stare at himself shouting out a name in his distance— Terry. Am I he was calling?

"Terry come on. I will stop messing around. Come here now!" He continues to shout with his physical expressions gradually becoming anxious that terrifies him with no further explanation. No, the curve of his lips is sinking.

But when he was about to take another step, he was snappily brought back to reality, taking a huge amount of air as if he came back to the dead. His eyes widened in surprise when he could remember every detailed that he had just experience and it wasn't a dream. It felt to real to be a mere figment of his imagination.

He hears the video plays back repeatedly on his lap but— what the fuck was that?

What in the actual world just happen to me? Do even past life truly exist? He was still in his conflicting state wearying how to calm down. Terry? Right, Terry is—

"Hey Gyu, what do yo— are you okay? You look sick. What happened to you?" His mom asked in concern, jolting the shit out of him as she instantly opened his bedroom door ignoring how to knock.

"Y-yeah. I just woke up from a nap." Beomgyu replied stammering at first.

"Your dad bought some snacks. Come downstairs." The lady informed eyeing Beomgyu with uncertainty but the boy kept his gaze on the floor still puzzled out, only answered a nod.

"Son, you need to at least be out in the sun for a minute. You've been stuck here." She continued finally earning an attention from the boy.

"I'll be downstairs mom." Beomgyu eventually responded and the woman didn't push through the conversation. He gave Beomgyu a very convincing look before deciding to leave the boy alone but just she was about to close the door, the boy reached out to her again.

"Hey mom—" Beomgyu spoke, urgently making the woman turn her heels around to face the boy.

"Uhh, nevermind. I'll follow around." He continued, avoiding the attentive look from his mother as if he wasn't ready to get caught.

"Let me know if you have something going on in your mind, m'kay?" The woman replied defeatedly. She had known how unexpressive his son is but her hopes got high for a minute.

The door closed leaving Beomgyu a bit disappointed on how she approached his mom. With a heavy sigh, he went to check the email he got from a prestigious university in Switzerland. He hasn't mention to his parents, even to his closest buddies that he had secretly applied for a master degree from this university. It was long time ago, in fact he totally forgot about it until he received the email one day ago. He hadn't imagine going right into university after graduating from his bachelor course but it'll be a complete loss if he won't grab this opportunity.

This was the reason he was anxious for about two days now. He doesn't know how to bring this topic to his parents when they are expecting for him to work at their locality the moment he stepped out of his institution. He's  afraid that his parents will get very dissapointed, for sure they will and it's stressing him to the point that he wanted to cry.

Beomgyu badly wanted to study abroad. This is his dream. He worked hard to excel so his portfolio will surpass the criteria for international students despite his parents choosing his educational degree and he already felt bad to break the news to his family when instead this should call for a celebration.

Giving up the thought of it, he strides to exit his room and found his parents by their living room watching some TV show as they munch what seems to be donuts. Beomgyu was only wearing his usual gray hoodies and checkered yellow and black pajamas. He sits beside his mom grabbing a chocolate flavored Krispy Kreme while hugging his knees.

"Didn't you have lunch Beom?" His dad asked. His parents has this habit of calling him different names, sometimes even pet names that Beomgyu still isn't comfortable about except for  Gyu, Beom but never Beomgyu or worst Choi Beomgyu because that'll be scary.

"I've had tea dad." He replied taking small bites as he tries to focus on the news flashing through their big television.

"You could have eaten the food your mom made." His dad replied, extending his arm for another donut.

"I've got 7:30 class and I overslept. I have a deadline at four." He replied halfway through his donut. Geez, sweets never loses a room.

"Can't believe your gonna be graduating next month!" Her mom shrieked excitedly jolting the rest of them.

"Here we go again." Beomgyu replied rolling an eye, hiding the small grin behind his muffled mouth. He is delighted to see how happy his parents looked when he asked permission to be out in the city for his graduation pictorial but at the back of his mind, he wanted to do what he wants now.

The sudden change of mood that even his donuts couldn't treat made him stood up earning a brow from his dad.

"I'm going out for a walk. I'll bring Cookie with me!" He shouted , rushing out to get the leash for their brown samoyed pup— a gift from his dad's co-worker.

The dog was peacefully having a dognap beside their refrigerator but Beomgyu had to ruin it. There is no point he'll go out without carrying this one year old dog just to look convince that he had reasons on going out. It's by accident that his neighbors sees him roam around because he's a total indoor type of boy. The poor dog had no other choice since Beomgyu started to pull him up, eventually dragging him out of his house.

"Be home before sun sets honey!" He heard his mom shouted and Beomgyu's face wrinkled in expression seeing how the brightness of the sun hit his face.

"I don't enjoy this at all like how I was running in an open filled with the sunlight's as its peak, smiling like shit in my imagination earlier." Beomgyu uttered, clicking his tongue as he closed the gate and pulled the dog to a different direction.

To my beloved, TerryWhere stories live. Discover now