Cheryl has a nightmare

Start from the beginning

-Uh huh.- she said nodding

-What an honor.- Toni said leaning down to kiss her on the lips, today without a doubt Toni got up in a good mood but not only that, after waking up the little ones when Toni went down the stairs she saw her favorite cherry buns on top of the island of the kitchen, Toni opened her eyes wider and her eyes lit up.- You got up early.- she said looking at her wife, since she knows how long it takes to cook her buns

-Not much.- Cheryl said leaving Rose on the floor, the redhead wanted to downplay the fact that she had gotten up earlier because of the nightmare and because she wanted to please her wife, see her enjoy and enjoy her company. She let Toni sit at the table with her children while she took care of cooking.

-Beatrice and Jason have already left? .- Toni asked looking at her wife

-Yes, they had met at a colleague's house to do some work.- Cheryl said, so today only the five of them would be at home, they, Maddie, Thomas and Rose.- Your coffee my love.- Cheryl said putting the coffee cup just done in front of her, Toni smiled and turned her head a little to look at her wife, Cheryl put her hand on her cheek and kissed her

-Thank you baby.- Toni said smiling happily, she liked those romantic moments in the morning

-What are we going to do today? it's raining.- Thomas said looking through the large glass doors that lead to the garden

-Well, I had thought...- Cheryl said with a smile on her lips, looking at her son who had messy hair and a mark on his face from sleeping so much.- and we can help mama develop her photos.-she said looking at her wife

Toni opened her mouth in surprise and Thomas turned quickly, clearly excited by the subject.

-Yes mommy. That's a great idea.- Thomas said going to Cheryl to hug her.

"What do you think, my love?" Cheryl said, stopping to look at her excited son to look at her wife.

-Sure, that would be great.- Toni said happily, she loved revealing photos and even more so if they did it as a family.- Maddie, are you in?- she asked looking at her daughter

-I have to do homework but I can do it later, I don't miss developing photos for nothing. - Maddie said with a smile, she also loved the world of photography, she was not as passionate as her mother and brother but she was entertained and liked it

After enjoying breakfast especially Toni and Rose, the little girl is not very hungry in the mornings but with the cherry buns she made an exception, she got her mouth and fingers all stained and tried to clean them by sucking on them before Cheryl took her hand and wipe the fingers one by one with a napkin.

They dressed and cleaned up, the fastest were Toni and Thomas who, as soon as they finished, met in Toni's study where they began to prepare everything they needed.

"Okay, we're ready." Cheryl said walking through the door followed by Maddie and little Rose.

"Me too." Rose said, hugging Toni's legs making her smile.

-Great!!.- Toini said taking Rose in her arms.- you are going to help me and I thought that you could take care of bathing the photos by the trays.- she said looking at Cheryl, Maddie and Thomas.- and hanging them to dry

-Whatever you say, my love.- Cheryl said smiling at her, Toni smiled at the look that Cheryl gave her, she liked it a lot that she focused her attention on everything that she likes

-Now I'm going to turn off the light.- Toni said especially so that Rose would know and not get scared

"Why?" Rose asked.

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