Chapter 5: Life Altering Truth

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Unexpected Divine Intervention

by TimeLadyJamie

Chapter 5 / Life Altering Truth


Waking up, Ema found herself on a couch in what looked like a living room. Her head was pounding as she clutched it, trying to figure out how she got here. Last thing we remembered was laying down in the panic room with Pamela counting down and that was all.

Where did everyone go?

She got up and began to look around the place. No one else was in the house, but she noticed a light on in the barn. Venturing outside to make her way over, she passed by the Impala and heard noises coming from inside it. At first she couldn't process what was going on since the windows were steamed up and everything was hard to make sense of.

Ema inched closer to the window on alert in case it was a monster and was surprised when she saw Anna who gasped. Just in that moment she saw Dean as well and began to put two and two together. She turned away from the car, blocking her eyes from them and dashing towards the barn.

Oh my god...she had just caught her best friend and Dean having sex. That was something she had never wanted to see.

Going into the barn, she was surprised to find Sam hunched over a book and fast asleep. Apparently, the noises didn't get to him at all. Deciding to turn around and not bother the hunter from his sleep, she was surprised to see a fully clothed Anna before her.

"Oh...geez." Ema whispered, rather surprised.

Anna had this look on her face like she had been caught. Her cheeks still red. "H-Hey, how are you feeling?" Obviously they weren't going to mention what they just saw.

"Like I got punched by a semi." Ema said. "But I'm doing better. What happened?"

" kind of awoke and threatened us to never do that again."

Ema blinked. "Come again?"

"In other words you are perfectly content living your human life. You don't want to be reminded of the past."

"Uh huh..." This was all still too much to try to believe. She couldn't be some celestial being, that was just too far fetched and ridiculous. Shaking her head, Ema wanted to change the subject. Looking back up to her friend a smile came to her face. "Sorry I walked in on you and Dean..."

"It's okay."

"So...I never would have guessed that to happen." A blush came to Anna's cheeks again. "Guess I'm the only virgin of us left."

Both girls began to giggle before hushing. They looked over to Sam who stirred in his sleep, but didn't wake. "The guys have been working to find my grace. It landed at an oak tree, but no luck there. It was gone."

" want to become an angel again?" Ema asked.

Anna took her hands. "No, but I have to. Someone has to stop Uriel and Castiel though...and it just has to be me."

Dean walked in seeing the girls and looked around. He walked up to his brother waking him up. "Where's Ruby?"

Suddenly Ema got the chills and the doors to the barn blasted open with Castiel and Uriel walking right in. She looked at them as Anna walked straight towards them. "Hello Anna, it's good to see you." Castiel said.

"How did they find us?" Sam asked, just as confused as Ema.

"I'm sorry." He mouthed to Anna.

Ema's eyes widened. "You sold her out! Why?"

"Because they gave him a choice. They either kill me... or kill you. I know how their minds work." Anna said, putting a comforting hand on her friends shoulder. "It's okay, Ema."

"But- you're my best friend. We've been together through thick and thin."

"Whats a little more? Be happy Ema! Live your life!" Anna walked towards her siblings to face her fate. "No more tricks. No more running. I'm ready."

Castiel saw the sad look on his mothers face. "I'm sorry."

"No. You're not. Not really. You don't know the feeling." Anna barked at him.

"Still, we have a history. It's just -"

"Orders are orders. I know. Just make it quick." Anna said, closing her eyes.

They were interrupted by the appearance of a demon that was holding Ruby captive. This had turned into a war between angels and demons.

"Don't you touch a hair on that poor girl's head." Alastair said.

While the demons and angels bickered among each other, Ema looked over to her friend who motioned over to her. It was like their minds were connected and they could understand each other perfectly. Both girls took this opportunity as Ema rushed forward towards them and Anna grabbed her grace from Uriel.

Breaking the pendant, the glowing grace was released and went into her mouth. Everyone looked wide eyed at her. "Shut your eyes. Shut your eyes! Shut your eyes!" Bright light comes out from Anna's body and makes Alastair disappear, leaving behind a knife.

With her friend gone, Ema looked before the scene breathing heavily. Castiel and Uriel looked just as equally shocked.

"Well, what are you guys waiting for? Go get Anna. Unless, of course, you're scared." Dean told them.

"This isn't over!" Uriel told him before disappearing with Castiel.

Ema looked before the scene trying to process everything. In one whole day she had found out her friend was a former angel who she 'happened' to be the mother to. Her whole life had been altered even deeper now.

She needed answers. Maybe she just had to stop running like Anna did and face the truth? No matter how ridiculous it all sounded.

How could she start?


AUTHOR'S NOTES: Next chapter Ema finally meets Chuck! :) Wonder how that will go down? Will he be the one to help her?

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