Chapter 3: Like Mother, Like Daughter

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Unexpected Divine Intervention

by TimeLadyJamie

Chapter 3 / Like Mother, Like Daughter


A long time ago; before everything you knew came to exist, before animals and humans walked the Earth, before creation itself...there was Darkness and Light. Shortly after L ight came into being, another followed not long after with some other beings. The two were confused on what she was suppose to represent, sharing a similar light herself, but with wings.

Goddess is what they decided to call her, pointing out her similarity to the Light, that became known as God. Together, they created things and most of all; children of their own. The Archangels were made along with the rest of the angels right after.

Goddess was happy, feeling that her destiny was to always be a mother. She spent every minute with her children, helping them and shaping them into what they would be. However, it would all come to a heartbreaking end when Lucifer fell.


It had been weeks since Ema had heard from her friend. Getting out her phone, she dialed the number for her parents place, knowing her friend didn't answer her phone.


"Hello, Mrs. Milton. Do you know where Anna has been? I haven't heard from her and I've been worried." Ema said, frowning. On the other line, she could hear Mrs. Milton pause, causing concern to rise inside of Ema. "W-What is it?"

"I don't know how to tell you this dear...but Anna was admitted to a Behavioral Center weeks ago." Ema's eyes widened, but gave a sigh of relief. At least it wasn't what she was thinking. Here she thought her friend had died somehow. "I don't know what got into her, but Anna started talking hysterically about an Apocalypse happening or something. She thought someone was watching her and just-" Mrs. Milton started breaking down crying.

"Oh god. Where is she being held? Is it okay if I go see her?" She asked, concerned for Anna. This wasn't easy for the parents either.

Once composing herself again, Mrs. Milton told her where she could find her. "Connor Beverly Behavioral Medicine Center, Room 42. I think she could use a good friend right now, something to help ground her back into this world."


The place was highly secured and guarded. The officials there told her Anna had been taken to the locked ward after it took four people to restrain her. Whatever had gotten into her friend, she wanted answers. They allowed her to visit Anna with supervision.

Entering into the room, she greeted her redheaded friend who was sitting on her bed looking off into the distance; obviously not all that here. It was a sad sight to see.

"A-Anna?" Ema asked, approaching her slowly. The other girl jumped, looking to her. "H-Hey, it's just me. It's Ema. I've missed you. Tell me what's wrong?"

The redheaded girl ran over to her friend, clinging onto her. Ema looked over to the officer standing right outside the door and motioned it was okay. "Ema...the Apocalypse! It's coming! You have to stop it! Tell them I'm not insane." She desperately cried, looking to her friend with hope. " believe me, right?!"

"Anna..." What could she say?

Anna walked over to where her sketchbook layed and brought it over to her, fumbling through all the pictures she had drawn. "Please, I know I can trust you, Ema. You're my best friend. You've always been here for me. Please, look at these! This is what is to come!"

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