Chapter 9: Across The Universe.

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"You've got a record deal!"

"What?!" All four of them shouted over the loud noise of the busy club.

"I got a call back from EMI, they said they'll give you a shot!" He said louder this time. All four of their faces lit up immediately and they cheered happily, John laughed and hugged Paul excitedly, it seemed nothing could wipe the smiles off their faces now.

But Brian wasn't done, his face got serious. "Now you listen here, you lot can't mess this up, understood? It took me a lot of work getting you this opportunity. I know I've said this before but from now on it's official, no more smoking on stage. You wear what I tell you to and you don't cause trouble at bars or any of that rubbish." He said sternly. "You got it?"

"Yes Brian" they all said politely and nodded.

John's face turned to a cheeky grin. "Where are we goin' fellas?!" He shouted

"To the top, Johnny!" They all cheered together.

"And where's that fellas?" He grinned,

"To the toppermost of the poppermost!"

I was pretending to clean off some tables when in reality I was just amazed at having witnessed this. After a moment though, I realised it would seem a bit weird if I was cleaning off the same table for three minutes straight, so I moved on and made my way back to the bar where Alen was. It was my third day working at the cavern and I was getting better at most of the jobs I had to do.

"Did you hear?" I asked him.

"Bout what?"

"They've got a record deal! At EMI studios. Pretty cool right?"

"Yeah, I know. Brian called me two days ago. Its always been obvious they were gonna make it big, with the crowds they attract. Look at em." He chuckled. He turned around and went through the door behind the bar.

I walked over to the right where I could get behind the bar and started to dry off some glasses Alen had washed up. The club was a lot quieter when there was no one playing. Won't last long though, I thought to myself.

I felt myself suddenly getting a little dizzy and tried supporting myself on the counter where I was drying off the glasses but it was no use. I held my head for a moment to calm myself down, but everything seemed to be blurry and strange and I felt a strong headache coming.

"Aubrey!" I suddenly heard a familiar voice shout out right behind me. It startled me so much that I shrieked loudly and dropped the glass I was holding, making it shatter into a hundred pieces. The world seemed to steady a bit around me as I turned around to see George blushing furiously. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry, are you hurt?" He quickly walked over and got behind the bar with me.

"Yeah, no it's fine. You just startled me, and... well made me drop a glass." I laughed nervously and looked down to the floor.

"Again... I'm really sorry." He nervously pulled a hand through his messy and sweaty hair. "Here I'll help you clean it up!" He went through the back door and came back with a dustpan and brush.

"No really it's okay, let me do it." I said squatting down like him and taking them from his hands. "You need to play... Isn't the rest of the band waiting for you?" I felt my dizziness slowly fade more and more together with the headache.

"Well that's what I came over here to tell you..." despite obviously trying to hide it, he was grinning happily. Still he waited for me to say something.

"Well?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"Brian got us a recording contract at EMI." He smiled. "We start on Monday!"

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