Chapter 3: I've Just Seen A Face

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My mouth fell open in shock, confusion, fear, whatever you want to call it. I didn't believe any part of what was going on. Fist a man disappeared, right in front of my eyes. Then the card he had in his wallet led me here, a card that was glowing hot, mind you. Lastly this...

I kept staring and blinked a few times.
Was I dreaming maybe? I had to be, right? But it felt so real. Everything about it felt real.

He looked at me worried, he then mouthed something to his friend and patted him on the back before walking over to me. I started breathing faster and louder, and it felt like I was fighting for oxygen. I looked around quickly but no one else seemed to be freaking out like I was. I looked more closely. The clothes these people were wearing were odd, they all looked so old fashioned, just like their hair styles. I had noticed before but only now did I really see how strange it was. And this Paul McCartney was not old like he was supposed to be, he looked like he was in his twenties. Then my mind finally let everything fall into place.

This was the sixties, it had to be.

Before I even realised, he was standing in front of me, tilting his head to the side, "Are you okay?" his lips said, but I didn't hear it very well. I looked down to the floor and felt dizzy, like the world was spinning around me faster than a washing machine, and my head was pounding at the speed of my heart beat.

It couldn't be him, there was no possible way. It was just someone with the exact same face. "Oh fuck what was going on?" I thought.

He was standing very close and was still staring at me, like he thought I was about to faint. At that time, I thought so too.

"I...what, did y..?" I stumbled over my words, I tried to take a small step away from him, and then almost tripped.

"Who! Easy." He said, putting his hands on my upper arms trying to keep me from falling over, we walked over to the bar and he sat me down on a chair. Him holding my shoulders, touching me, made it all the more real.

"Here just sit down for a sec." I stopped looking at his face because I was afraid he'd think I was crazy. Which I probably was staring at him like that. "John!" He suddenly shouted to someone standing by the stage. "Get over here."

I looked up again, and saw John, fucking Lennon turn his head around and then walk over to me as well. I had an infinite amount of questions, that were about to pour out of me like a waterfall.

"I don't think she's feeling alright, can you get the bird some water?"

"No, no I don't need any water, I'm fine." I told them firmly. My stomach was turning and I was afraid if I drank anything I would just throw it straight up.

"Well you don't LOOK fine." John said, right then another person stumbled towards us with his back facing me. "George Harrison?" I mumbled in a daze. I knew it was him only from the back of his head. He turned around like John had done earlier. The expression on his face was one of confusion and surprise. "Ye what?" He said drunkenly, and smiled a crooked smile, his fangs exposed. His mop top hair hung in front or his eyes a little, and my heart started beating even faster at the sight or him. I swear I almost swooned.

"You..." I tried again to speak. "You're the Beatles." I said to them. It felt freeing to finally say it out loud. But when I did I also realised how ridiculous it was. The Beatles broke up over half a century ago and half of them had died.

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