We drove up to grandads house, the tires of the car squealing against the gravel lined floor. The sun was beating down on us, being high in the cloudless sky. Raf beat me to it and opened Lira's door. He's been extremely annoying lately. We heard the faint sound of clubs hitting golf balls. Raf sighed and rolled his shoulders. "Ah what a beautiful day."

"What the fucks wrong with you?" I stared at him as I straightened out my tie. Lira chuckled and pulled me beside her, out of Raf's earshot. "Donzel's coming for dinner idiot." She rolled her eyes at me. I only blinked at her and then stared at her curvaceous ass as she walked up to the house.

We all walked through the house, it being warm and inviting. Our voices echoed off the large homely rooms. Guards stood around and grandads nurse was busy preparing his medications in the kitchen. Raf and I had a word with the guards, making sure they were doing their jobs properly and if they needed anything.

Walking towards the back garden, we heard voices and a little girls giggling. Isabella. I stepped out first to see the lush green lawn and to one side was a golf course. Grandad was stood hitting the little white balls, dressed in his usual white T-shirt and grey joggers. He was so joyful, the light playing in his dark brown eyes. It was always so nice to see him.

Isabella was watching grandad but still twisted a golf club in her hand. She was holding it like a sword. Uncle Kaden was with her, lounging on the nearby outdoor seating. He was engrossed in his phone, his ankles being crossed atop the small coffee table. Isabella was first to notice me. She gasped. "Enzo!"

I smiled. Raf and Lira also walked out from behind me. "Raf and Lira!" Isabella beamed in delight. Uncle Kaden put down his phone and looked up at us all not moving an inch. Grandad turned and flashed a smile, his eyes flickering with remembrance. "Oh my grandsons." He smiled, a golf club in his grip.

"You all right grandad? Hey Isabella." Raf greeted and went over to hug grandad. "Hi uncle Kaden." I smiled at him, who was now back on his phone. He waved at me, still talking to whoever was calling him. He waved at Lira who smiled back.

It was my turn to hug grandad. I had to lean down slightly, embracing the man who smelt faintly of liquorice and lavender. When we let go, he was smiling widely. "Hi Tony." Lira smiled. Grandad looked at her, his face knotting into confusion briefly. He gasped and held up a hand. "Oh you're the beautiful girl. Enzo's girlfriend. And I'm coming to the wedding."

"Yes grandad. Yes you are." I smiled. He always remembered Lira despite finding it hard to remember new people. Lira hugged grandad, making him smile further. My soon to be wife was beautiful. "Hey solider." Lira grinned at Isabella. They quickly began to catch up about their lives with Isabella telling Lira about her school work.

I picked up a golf club from the bag and saw grandad eagerly eying me up. "Want to play some real golf grandad?" I asked with a smile. He nodded and Raf picked up a club, inspecting the polished metal. "Didn't you once beat up a man with a club?" I asked him. "I only hit him once before he puked up and then I got rid of him." He shrugged his shoulders before twirling the club in his fingers with such dexterity.

"Can I play? I'm really good." Isabella grinned looking up at us. "Well what do you think? Shall we let her play?" I asked grandad who had his hands in the pockets of his grey joggers. Say no say no. "Yes sure." Grandad smiled making Isabella shriek in excitement. Lira walked up to me and grabbed the club I was holding. "I'm in. But we need to be on teams don't you think? I say let's do girls vs boys." She grinned at Isabella.

"Yeah! Lira are you good at golf?" Isabella asked. Lira shook her head. "I've never played golf so I don't know." She chuckled.

Soon we were in teams, Raf, grandad and I versus Lira and Isabella. Uncle Kaden was still busy with making calls but I think he just didn't want to bother us, letting us play with grandad. Raf was more skilled at golf, more than I was so he got the ball in the hole the most. Grandad was just enjoying spending time with us.

Isabella came up to do her go. The club was too big for her but still she stood sideways and hit the golf ball, a chunk of grass and the ball flew off, the ball disappearing far down the garden. "Oops." She giggled. When it was Lira's turn, she tried to mimic how Raf played, holding her feet apart evenly and putting the right amount of pressure on the ball. She hit the ball and it went just past the hole. Her shoulders slumped. "Golf is so not my sport." She muttered.

After a while, no one was keeping score because Lira and Isabella were seeing how far they could hit the balls. They were screaming with laughter and I could see that grandad loved it. Uncle Kaden got up to play and he was completely useless too.

I was poised to take my shot, trying to focus to get the ball in but before I could hit it, Lira came up beside me. "Bend down. You have a nice ass." She whispered before laughing. Raf at this point was gathering the balls we had launched down the end of the garden.

Isabella pushed me out of the way, I almost tumbled onto the grass. She may be small but she was damn strong. She hit the ball with her club and it struck Raf's ass which was up in the air. "Ow!" He roared as he held a hand onto his ass.

"Oh..my..God." Lira gasped putting her hands over her mouth. Isabella was the first to burst out laughing, making everyone laugh loudly. I held my stomach, almost crying. Even grandad was laughing. "Fucking pissed my pants." Uncle Kaden laughed, trying to shut himself up.

"Who did that?!" Raf asked with murder on his mind, taking angry steps towards us all. He crossed his arms and stared at us all. Lira was biting her lip, hiding behind me. "It was me." Isabella giggled. Raf stared at her and blew out a breath. "You monster." He growled before grinning evilly. He ran over to Isabella who ran away. He chased her around the garden while she giggled out of breath.

Uncle Kaden offered me a cigarette and I accepted, taking a seat, watching Raf run after a hysterical Isabella. Lira took a seat beside me and uncle Kaden handed her a cigarette. She gladly accepted it and I loved how he accepted her. After all, uncle Kaden had told me how much he liked Lira and how good for me she was. "So why is that idiot so happy for?" He asked, facing me while pointing a finger Raf's way. Lira chuckled while I lit up her cigarette using my lighter. "He might have a chance of getting laid tonight by the woman of his dreams." She smiled making uncle Kaden scoff. "Might." He ruffled his hair and relaxed back. Lira hummed.

Grandad slumped down onto the sofa in front of Lira and I, his aged face bore a smile when he saw us all smoking. Before he could ask, I interrupted. "No grandad. Smoking is bad for you." I breathed out a breath while also hypocritically holding onto my cigarette. Lira pulled her hand forward and held out her cigarette for grandad. "You can have mine." She smiled softly. Grandad was grinning from ear to ear as he gladly accepted it.

I rolled my eyes at her and she simply shrugged her shoulders. But I relaxed back and smiled while she chatted to grandad and uncle Kaden. She liked grandad because she didn't have any grandparents herself and so never knew what it was like. She hadn't even any uncles or family apart from Admir and Asim.

Raf had come over now with an exhausted Isabella. He slumped down beside grandad and Isabella tried to squeeze in between them but Raf pulled her onto his lap, making her squeal in delight. "Why did you go to New York right after your birthday?" Uncle Kaden directed his question at Lira. Oh shit. How the fuck did he find out? No doubt that mom blabbed to him. "We went to check out a club." Lira smiled not missing a beat.

"You went to a club?" Grandad frowned. He really wanted to go. Raf and I would take him soon. "Can I come to a club?" Isabella asked with big eyes aimed at me. "No." I almost scoffed and folded my arms. "Why?" She whined, dragging it out for what seemed like forever. I looked at uncle Kaden and he put out his cigarette into the ashtray on the coffee table. "Because Isabella. It's a bad place to go especially for little girls." He looked at her with a stern expression. She huffed and crossed her arms only laughing when Raf tickled her underarms.


I can just imagine the golf ball hitting Raf's ass and his look 🤣
I've only played golf on the wii, am I good at it? Nope

I have a headache. That type which squeezes your brain. So much fun. I love headaches. Yes I'm being sarcastic. I don't even have a brain.

Fun fact: When I think about golf, I think about Tiger Woods who is the only golfer I know. (Yes this isn't exactly a fact it's my fact take it or leave it)

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