"I won't make any promises."
"Okay, Aden. I won't force you but know that you'll always have my support. I know I'm not related to you but you're as close as a brother to me..."
"Adriaan we might not be related by blood but I do consider you as my brother."

Adriaan was silent for a moment: he wanted to tell Aden the same thing but he did not want to seem insensitive.

"Well brother, take care of yourself." A chocked up Adriaan said.
"Will do. Say 'hi' Johanie and enjoy your night. Wink. Wink. Let me not keep you. Have a great night."
"Goodnight to you too, buddy."


"Aïda, why are you retreating?"

Aïda breathed a sigh of relief. It was Martin on the stairs.

"Are you okay?"
"No, Martin. Someone broke into my flat and their still inside."

Martin's eyes got bigger. For a moment he looked scared but then he composed himself.

"I'll call the police, Martin."
"No, Aïda. Get behind me: I'll check."
"It's dangerous, Martin. What if they have a weapon?"

While Martin was contemplating, the door opened.

"I thought I heard voices. What on earth are you two doing outside and at this hour?"
"Seriously, Zoë! What are you doing in my flat?"

Aïda was both angry and relieved.

"Since when am I not allowed in your flat?" Zoë turned a curious gaze to Martin, "What are you doing here?"
"He gave me a lift home. My car is at the workshop." Aïda answered before Martin could. She also noted the nervous look on Martin's face.
"I'll leave you two. Goodnight ladies."
"Goodnight, Martin." Aïda said, Zoë just looked at him, disapprovingly.

Aïda noticed it but said nothing. She was too tired.

When she entered her flat she was pleasantly surprised. A huge grin formed on her face.

A huge bouquet of Tulips were on her kitchen island. A white envelope was next to it. Zoë's date certainly had great taste.

"Oh Zoë! Your date had wonderful taste and he thought outside the box: most men would've gotten red roses."

For a moment confusion marred Zoë's ethereal features before reality sunked in.

"I got my single red rose chomma. The dude was so boring. Anyway, those," Zoë pointed to the flowers, "are not mine. Looks like you have an admirer."
"Those are for me?"
"Yes, chomma. I don't recall stuttering."

It was Aïda's then to be confused.

Zoë chuckled , "Do you really not know who send those?"
"I'll check the envelope."
"There's no name."
"Wh...How do you know that? Please don't tell me you looked.

Zoë's face turned a deeper shade of pink.

"I can't belief you did that, Zoë."
"I was curious and since you never tell me anything, anymore, I took a peek."

Aïda sighed. Zoë's was right: she had been very distant lately but, was that really a reason to invade someone's privacy.

"I'm sorry, chomma. I was just so excited for you. Please don't hate me."

Aïda walked over to the island and picked up the envelope. She took the card out and read it.

I hope you've enjoyed your day my sweet dark angel. Can't wait for the day when there will be no distance between us. Yours forever.

Aïda reread the card as if she was looking for clues. She did not want to jump to conclusions.

"Here," Zoë handed her favourite brand of Belgium treats, "this came with the flowers. I was so tempted to taste it but who eats salted caramel chocolates? I wonder how it taste?"

Aïda cleared her throat and handed the treats back to Zoë.

"Nice of you to share." Zoë stated, "shall we go half-half?"
"No. You can have it all, Zoë. It's not really my thing." Aïda lied at the end.
"Are you sure? I'll keep some for you."

Aïda was about to give an rude answer but she did not want to alert to the fact that she figured out who the admirer was.

"Okay. I'm tired. I'll go shower. Are you staying over." Aïda asked.
"Duh! It's too late for me to drive home at this hour."

"Chomma, don't you want to know about my date?"

The only question Aïda had on her mind was: why was he doing this?

"You can tell me after my shower."

Aïda was relieved to find Zoë fast asleep after her bathroom routine.

Good. She was in no mood to converse.

She locked her door, made sure all the appliances were switched off, put on her silk pyjamas and got into bed next to Zoë. Thoughts of him and exhaustion competed against each other. The sleep won.

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