Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"How is your mom doing? You haven't spoken about her since last Wednesday."
" She's recovering."

Okay. Aden was definitely not his usual upbeat self.

"We should get back to the showers. I have to be home by six."

Aden said nothing but not up.

A half an hour later Aïda came out of the ladies' restroom. Aden was standing close by but he was on his cellphone and abruptly said goodbye when he saw her.

"Are you ready to go." Aden asked.
"Yes." Aïda answered.

The short ride to the town centre, on the back of Aden's Harley Davidson,  was very quite. In fact, Aden had not said a word since they left the beach.

As usual Aden walked her to the taxi rank and waited for her to get in the minibus taxi.

"See you, Aïda."
"See you."

Aïda watched as he walked back to his motorbike and drove off.

That was strange. Usually he waited for the taxi to drive off before he left.


It was the weekend and Aïda's mother had asked her to go shopping. There were certain  important items that were not avaible at any of the malls in her town so, she went to the city.

Aïda had gotten everything her mom had wanted. She was done in less then an hour and was in the buss, waiting for it to fill, in the back by the window seat.

She'd been sitting in that space for five minutes and the buss was not yet full. It would take a couple of minutes for it to be filled up.

Her eyes roamed around looking for a distraction when it landed on a group of teenage guys. They were in total .
One bad a big, blonde curly 'fro with a golden tan. He was the one that initially got her attention. Another boy looked Japanese, another was tall and blond and had a very pale skin. The last one she couldn't see but, he had dark brown straight hair.

His back was to her and he was motioning with his hands to a group of girls. The girls all had on tiny demin shorts and white racerback vests.One of the girls was very tall and looked like a VS model. She had straight waist length red hair. She ran to the boy and gave him a hug. Whilst looking at them Aïda thought of Aden. Hopefully, they'll be a couple soon.

He had surprised her on Valentine's Day with a bouquet of her favourite flowers, tulips. He had only bought her her favourite sweets, salted Belgian caramel treats and he gave her a gift voucher of over two thousand rands at a clothing boutique. She was stunned and wanted to give the voucher back but, he refused.

Some of the girls in her class told her that Aden was inlove with her, that he moved to their school just to be close to her but, she ignored them. After Valentine's Day she started to wonder about his feelings though but he had not made a move after that and he became distant after his mom's suicide attempt. She understood why though.

Aïda realized that she had been in a daze when she felt the buss starting up. Only three passengers were standing outside waiting to board the buss. Her gaze turned back to the teens outside.

The dark headed boy had turned around.  He was facing Aïda.That beautiful girl's hands were around his waist. His hands were on her shoulders. Her back was now turned to Aïda.

Her breath hitched.

Aden was in such a deep discussion with the girl that he did not even see Aïda looking at him.

He did not even see her the flower lady stood in front of him and he bought flowers for the girl. All the other boys bought flowere for their girlfriends too.

A lone tear tan down Aïda's left cheek.

"Is iet's verkeerd, skat?" (Is something wrong, sweetie?). An elderly lady, sitting next to her asked.

Aïda wiped the tear, "I'm fine, thanks."

Aïda went to bad early that night. Except for that one tear she did not cry. She refused to cry over Aden but she told herself that she had been foolish to listen to even consider what her classmates said.

What about Valentine's Day though? Friends also celebrated the day with each other. It was no big deal but she was so confused.

*Flashback Ends*

Aïda left her office and joined the other cheffs in the kitchen. She had to keep busy to keep thoughts of Aden and Valentine's Day romance away.


"Thanks for the lift, Martin."
"It was my pleasure, Aïda. I'll pick you up at half past four tomorrow morning, okay."
"Okay. Enjoy what's left of your night."
"You two, boss lady. Message me when you're safely inside."
"I will.  Goodnight."

A few minutes later Aïda was in front of her flat's door. When turned the key in the lock, she got a shock: the door was already open.

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