Flitwick's eyes flickered annoyedly. "Enough—"

"Oh, please, Jeong." Draco let out a chilled scoff as he leaned forward, arms crossed over the table. "Don't waste your breath protecting someone with filthy blood running through its veins."

"It?" Joaquin's eyes darkened.

"Well, what the fuck is it other than it?" Draco snarked back, mirthless.

"Oh, shut up, Malfoy." Giovanni's palms slammed on the surface of his desk as he turned to face the other Slytherin. "You're so fucking thirsty for the attention and validation that you're wasting your bloody breath just talking shit on the person you seem to despise so much."

Flitwick tried again, "Let's all—"

"Quit protecting this fucking Halfblood," Theodore snarled in unmistakable disgust, sitting with his blond friend. He leaned forward, fingers locked over his textbook. "You're a fucking Pureblood Slytherin, Cole. Don't embarrass us by protecting that."

Oshun's heart was beating like drums in her ears and her cheeks were fuming. She begged her eyes to tear away from the fight, but they stayed stuck on the scene. Hypnotized.

"Do you not understand how utterly stupid you both sound?" Giovanni's loud voice was deep and heard. He turned his entire body to stare down at his housemates with his sage eyes three shades darker. "You're speaking as if Halfbloods are a different species. We're all human, you dumb fucks."

Flitwick cleared his throat. "Perhaps—"

"What, you have a fucking problem with the fact that we've got self-respect, Cole?" Draco sniped wryly, raising a taunting brow. He glided his tongue on the inside of his cheek, a muscle in his cheek spasming.

"You and your daft Pureblood fetishes." Joaquin barked a humourless laugh, shaking his head at the two boys in the back of the class. "If you've got even a shred of self-respect, you'd learn how to act fucking human, dipshit. You sure as hell look like one, so fucking act like one."

"Stop, Joaquin." Oshun's voice was dry and hoarse as she put a hand on his thigh. She was damn near close to tears of humiliation, but she kept herself composed.

A cry of embarrassment was clogging her chest and made her shoulders dense. She forced down the cry, refusing to gain any more humiliation.

Draco's stool tipped back with a slam as he stormed up from his seat. He thrusted a slender finger at the Gryffindor. "Shut your fucking mouth before I make Parkinson shut it for you, Jeong." His voice dropped an octave lower, his jaws clenched.

Oshun sounded breathless with her short and quick breaths. She was feeling rather lightheaded and her chest was clogged with discomfort.

Every time she swallowed, it took great effort. It was like lumps were forming in her throat, unwilling to move.

Joaquin stood from his seat, turning to the blond boy with an evil glare. "Really, Malfoy? Throwing your lady friend into this like she's a fucking object? She's a person, you intolerable shit," he growled, his voice thunderously low. "Blimey, you know no respect whatsoever, do you?"

"Merlin's fucking tit. Do not fucking talk to me about respect, Jeong, when you're defending this filthy blood witch." Pure venom dripped off Draco's tongue at the last three words. His stormy eyes blazed in rage.

"Speak about Oshun like that one more time and see what happens," Giovanni seethed the words in outrage, sharp jaws tensing impossibly harder.

"Enough!" Flitwick boomed in impatience and fury.

Everyone fell silent.

"Detention, all five of you!" the Professor shouted sternly with irritation scrawled on his features. "In my classroom after dinner!"

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