"If they don't allow the gays to be with who they fancy, I'm starting a fucking riot." Joaquin voice wracked with contempt as he folded his veiny forearms over the edge of the table.

Oshun smiled at that. Under the table, she held Forest's hand for comfort.

Oshun was close with all her mates. She loved them all dearly as well, but in a friend group, there was always the one friend someone was closer with.

Forest was that person for Oshun and vice versa. They both knew each other well and matched each other's vibe so effortlessly. Considering they were roommates, it was understandable.

"Welcome back!" Dumbledore's thunderous voice boomed throughout the room. "Now, I'm going to assume that the lot of you are talking about the new law with arranged marriages. So I will be talking about that first since you are all so eager to know more."

The room fell dead silent and everyone listened, on the edge of their seats. A pin dropping could be heard with the heavy silence.

"I understand that some of my students do not fancy the opposite sex," Dumbledore said in a warm voice. "So because of that, the Ministry and I have come up with something fair for everyone. For the homosexuals, there will be surrogates and donors for your marriage and pregnancies."

A wave of relieved and excited murmurs flooded around the room until they were silenced by the Headmaster.

"For further information and to switch your spouses, come see me at my office tomorrow morning," he announced sternly.

Everyone's attention gawked at the old man.

"And this goes for only those who fancy the same sex," the Headmaster clarified pointedly. "You all will have one year to fall in love and connect with your spouses. After the year is over, you will marry. Whether or not you fall in love or make connections, you'll be forced to marry."

Dumbledore went on with the other announcements. Oshun tuned it out, not caring much to listen.

She should write to her parents, tell them that she had two options. But maybe she would wait until she figured out why she got two.

She planned to speak with Dumbledore in private about this.


"Who did you guys get?" Joaquin asked as the group of friends settled in Oshun and Forest's dorm. He took his seat at the chair at the desk.

They were passing around two blunts. Everyone was smoking it except Oshun. She didn't smoke, never tried it either.

"I got Nott." Mavi didn't seem to be thrilled about this and Oshun understood why.

Joaquin grimaced at the name.

"One of the Purebloods with the Pureblood fetish." She dropped into the armchair by the desk, her legs dangling over the arm.

"I got Forest." Tavius grinned at said girl, getting comfortable on Oshun's bed. He crossed his legs by the ankles and arms behind his head. "Lucky me."

Forest smirked as she exhaled smoke out of the side of her lips. "Lucky you." She crossed her legs, sitting upon her bed, as she got off her bed to pass the blunt to him.

"Gio and I are getting ours switched," Da'Shylah said as she sat on Forest's bed, hands propped behind her and long legs dangling over the edge.

"So you didn't even open your cards?" Joaquin mused, eyebrows bunched together. He brought the blunt to his lips and inhaled before he tipped his head back to exhale the smoke.

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