"Looks like a big mess in here.", Lana sighed, looking around at all the bottles, glasses, and other stuff that was lying around. Without hesitating, she helped Sean to get everything in its place, to be all prepared for the next morning. It would be an ordinary Monday, which meant school for the kids and time for themselves.

"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?", Lana asked, putting the last glass in the dishwasher and washing her hands afterward.

"Other than surviving?", Sean joked sadly, getting her attention. "Ehm... I... I wanted to look a bit through Tanya's stuff. I don't want to shut her out of my life in no matter of time but... it kills me every time I look at her things. I think I need a mental break until I am ready to maybe bring some of it back into the house when the time is right. I don't talk about all the things in the house. I wanna keep the pictures on the walls and everything. I am just talking about the things in the bedroom.", Sean said, nodding in agreement with his own decisions.

"Would you mind me joining?", Lana asked with hesitation in her voice because she wasn't sure if she would interrupt intimate time between his memories and himself. Maybe she shouldn't have asked. Maybe she should just leave him alone to close the chapter of this book.

"I-I actually wouldn't mind. But it's nothing special. It will be boring for you. I am probably talking a lot about old memories if you're there to listen", Sean answered.

"That's totally fine, I actually would like to hear them if you're willing to share.", Lana smiled, walking up to him and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"We should go to bed now. It was a long day and you need your sleep. Especially when the alarm is going off at 6:30", Lana chuckled, going on tiptoes to reach his cheek and placing a soft kiss. "Good night, Maguire. And before I forget... I love you all as well.", she smiled and went off to the guest bedroom.

Since Lana offered to take care of Amélie overnight, so that Sean could have a more than four-hour sleep, she basically was a ghost the next morning. Never had she felt that extremely tired in her life and she had gone to a convention after 4 hours of sleep once. The problem was that Amélie was teething, causing her pain that she couldn't understand. It was heartbreaking to see that little girl struggling, but the only thing Lana could do was put some teething gel in her mouth and give her some cold teething toys, which eventually calmed her down. In the end, Lana didn't even leave Amélies room. She actually brought her blanket and pillow to the little sofa in the corner, not bothered by the fact that she was quite too big to fit on it in a lying position. Because of that, Lana overslept the whole morning routine, since she left her phone in the guest room. When Sean sat the boys down for breakfast, he was more worried than surprised that Lana didn't show up that morning, so he went to check on her. He scrunched his face in curiosity when he found Lana's bed empty, making him leave to Amélies room. When he opened the door the view automatically sent butterflies to his stomach, whilst he couldn't control a bright grinning on his face. Amélie was still sleeping peacefully and so did Lana. Her hair had fallen in front of her face, so Sean couldn't see how exhausted she actually looked. Her body was curled up, one of her hands falling off the couch and touching the ground. Her breathing was sound and steady, making Sean chuckle. Tanya was right. Someday he will have to tell her the truth about his feelings, but that day was not yet to come. Without making a sound Sean closed the door and went back downstairs to his sons, who nearly finished their breakfast.

"Is auntie Lana okay?", Leo asked, since he loved spending the mornings with her.

"Yeah. She is still asleep with your sister. I guess Amélie was a little troublemaker last night. I was so tired, I didn't even hear her to be honest.", Sean confessed, packing their lunch boxes in their bags.

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