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"Are you kidding me?! What do you mean the palace has been invaded?!" Sunoo slapped the things on his desk away. Jungwon flinched and cleared his throat, "Two male servants were shot to death. The West has started their war."

Sunghoon barged into the office before panting tiredly, "I have made the princess stay in her room. She'll be protected by six guards."

"Tell the soldiers to guard the back entrance. Inform them that they can just shoot whoever sets foot at the queen dowager and the princess's rooms."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Jungwon and Sunghoon said before leaving the office. Sunoo sighed and took a closer look at his sword before tightening his grip around it.

He left his office and started looking for the West Kingdom's soldiers.


Yeonseo sat on the floor as she leaned against the doors. She sighed and closed her eyes, trying to hear what was happening outside. Her eyes immediately opened when she couldn't even hear footsteps coming from outside.

She stood up and turned the doorknob, realising that the doors weren't even locked. Her eyes widened in fear and confusion. She opened the doors and peeked outside, seeing no one guarding her bedroom.

She slammed the door open and quickly ran to Queen Kim's room. What if she's already dead? What if the guards are dead? What if Sunoo, Sunghoon and Jungwon are dead?

She reached Queen Kim's room and opened the doors. She gasped in shock at the sight of the queen bleeding on the bed. Her blood slowly trickled down the bedsheet. The eyes were still open, creating a scary sight for Yeonseo.

I have to get away.

No one's safe anymore.


Jungwon put on his mask as he led Sunoo carefully through the hallway. He frowned as soon as he smelled something weird. His eyes widened as he immediately pulled Sunoo away, "Your Majesty! It's black powder!"

The hallway soon exploded, making their ears ring. Sunoo coughed continuously as he tried to get up. His legs were injured badly as they started bleeding. Jungwon pressed on the wound, "Your Majesty!"

"Please, you must find Yeonseo and my mother. Take them away from here. It's not safe anymore," the king begged as he whispered into the nobleman's ear.

He then closed his eyes and laid there on the floor tiredly. Jungwon hesitantly stood up and gave him one last glance before running away. He panted heavily as he searched for the Queen Dowager's room.

The doors were wide open, making him confused. He gasped at the sight of Queen Kim bleeding on the bed. "Your Majesty..."

He turned away before running to the princess's room. No guards were protecting the room. He barged in and saw that it was empty. "Your Highness!" He called continuously. He took out his sword and immediately turned around, seeing two people attacking him.

He stabbed them both with his sword, watching them fall to the floor. He was called the highest-ranked minister for a reason.

What if Her Highness is in danger?

His heart started beating at an uneasy pace. He gulped in fear before running around the palace hallway, searching for Yeonseo. The hallway was covered in smoke, blurring his sight.

He went out of the palace and looked around. The princess was nowhere to be found. The lake was empty, the garden was empty, everywhere was empty.

His body jumped in shock at the sight of assassins jumping over the wall. They all took out their swords and were about to attack him. He gave up and let his hands drop to his sides.

He closed his eyes and waited for them to stab him with their shiny weapons. Unknown arrows started shooting into their chest, making the nobleman dumbfounded.

He turned around and saw an army of soldiers from another kingdom marching as they held their bows and arrows. He furrowed his eyebrows at the sight of his friend, Crowned Prince Jay of the North.

Jay took off his mask and patted Jungwon's shoulder, "Are you alright? Where's Sunoo?"

"He's badly injured. Can you call the royal physician?"

He nodded before saying, "Thank God Yeonseo sent me a letter. I don't know what will happen if I didn't come sooner."

"Yeonseo?" Jungwon arched an eyebrow before averting his gaze at the palace entrance, seeing the princess walk in with dirt all over her gown. "Your Highness!" He couldn't help but run to her.

Her lips curved into a relieved smile. Her legs started running as they brought her to him. All of a sudden, an arrow shot into her chest. She winced in pain before falling to the ground.

"Your Highness!" Jungwon screamed as he ran to her. He let her fall into his arms as he tried to stop her chest from bleeding.

She still smiled as she caressed his cheek, "I'm glad that you're okay."

His eyes started forming tears as he watched her close her eyes. "Your Highness!"


Sunghoon exhaled heavily as he put down his bow. He took off his mask and let the wind brush against his skin. He was standing on the roof of the palace, watching as Jungwon talked with Jay. He then saw Yeonseo at the entrance.


He took out an arrow before aiming it at her. He closed his other eye as he took a closer look at her to aim. He let go of the arrow when she started running towards the nobleman.

The arrow then stabbed her chest, making her fall. He smirked and put his mask back on before climbing down the roof.

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