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It felt like the world just stopped spinning. The room became silent that even the smallest pin dropping could be heard. Jungwon and Yeonseo's eyes were still widened as their lips touched. He realised what was happening and pushed her off him.

He wiped his lips and gave her a death stare, "What the hell are you doing?"

"I fell, okay?! I didn't know it will be like that," she answered as she reached for her wide-open book. She held it close to her chest and saw him dusting off his clothes before standing up.

What? He's not going to at least lend a hand to help me stand up?

She frowned and got up, dusting off her dress. "If you'll excuse me, I have work to do," he said before walking past her. She watched as he searched for a book on the shelves.

"Arrogant jerk," she scoffed and folded her arms. He sighed, still searching for a book, "I heard that."

"Good," she snapped before turning around to leave. The doors were slammed close, making him flinch. He scoffed and ran his fingers through his soft hair.

"Thank God she's the princess. If she's just a court lady, I'll have her fired right away."


Sunoo enjoyed his quiet time at the pavilion as he wrote in his journal. All the servants and court ladies were turning their backs to give him privacy. He sighed, "Mr Bae," he called the head male servant.

Mr Bae slowly turned around and lowered his gaze, "Yes, Your Majesty?"

"It's almost the light festival, isn't it? Yeonseo would love to see the lanterns. She spent years just seeing them from the palace. I'm sure she would want to see them closer."

"It would be dangerous for the princess to go out, Your Majesty. Perhaps you would like to accompany her?"

"I would love to but I can't. I have a dinner with the ministers that night during the festival," Sunoo frowned as soon as he remembered the dinner he planned.

"Perhaps, I could help?" A voice said out of the blue. He averted his gaze to the entrance and saw Sunghoon bowing at him. The prince approached him before sitting across from him, "I can help you. I don't have anything to do anyway. And I was planning to attend the light festival too."

"I really appreciate it, Sunghoon–"

"Your Majesty! Her Majesty, the Queen Dowager has come to visit you!" Mr Bae announced. Sunoo and Sunghoon immediately averted their attention to the woman who was approaching them.

They both bowed at the queen dowager as a sign of respect. Sunoo smiled, "Have a seat, mother. What brings you here?"

"I just had to come back from my trip since my maid told me my daughter has woken up. Is Yeonseo okay? How's her condition?"

"Well," Sunghoon and Sunoo said in unison as they exchanged awkward glances. "She seemed to have lost her memories. And her behaviour seemed to change too. But do not worry, mother. She's fine," the king assured.

Queen Kim smiled and glanced at the prince, "Would you please give us a moment, Your Highness? I would like to have a word with my son."

Sunghoon obeyed and bowed before leaving the pavilion. Sunoo hummed in response, waiting for his mother to speak.

"I'm just going to get straight to the point. Have you thought about marriage?"

The King was too stunned to speak. He glanced at his fingers that were starting to tremble due to nervousness. His mother noticed and held his hands, caressing them.

"It's fine to rule the kingdom alone. But wouldn't it be great to have a consort to support you?" She asked again.

"I'm sorry, mother. I'm afraid I'm not ready to have a consort. I know it's your job to find one for me but I would like to find one myself. And I want the consort to be the person I love."

Queen Kim smiled softly and nodded, "I understand. I wouldn't have to be worried that much since you will still be the East Kingdom's king."

"I would like it if Yeonseo participates in finding a consort for me. Usually, a princess would have to leave the palace and marry a prince if her brother ascends to the throne. But I would love it if she lives here until she marries. I can't imagine her living alone."

"You really love your sister, huh?" His mother chuckled, "It's Yeonseo that I'm worried about. Your father said before to always make sure she marries a prince. Because once she marries a nobleman or a commoner, her title would be gone. It's better if she gets the 'queen consort' title."

"I think it's better to let her choose who her husband will be, mother. You know how Yeonseo is. She hates us controlling her like this especially when it will affect her future."

"Is Sunghoon single?"

"You mean the prince? Yeah, he is. Don't tell me you're going to set them both up?"

"Sunghoon has been contributing to the East Kingdom for years already. Of course, you trust him, right? I think he's the best person for her."

Sunoo thought for a while, tapping his fingers on the small desk in front of him.

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