"Um, hi?" The greeting's response came in the form of a massive roar and Izuku noted the jaw glowed red, much to his confusion. Sadly he doesn't get the chance to dwell on it as big jaw came down on him, forcing the young man to hastily crawl away. Getting up as fast possibly as he can, he turned and threw the rock in hand harder than he had ever done. Imagine his surprise when the rock flew and missed the intended target, smashing against the rock as it tilt it's head to the side.

Feeling the heat growing on his tail, Izuku spared a single glance to the back and felt the stomach dropped at the sight of flaming ball of gas. A sharp turn conducted and Izuku skidded across the ground but the man quickly recovered. The last he saw was the fireball exploding into tiny pieces.

'This is pointless. I can't beat this thing at a distance.' He chided himself. The only way to beat it is to smash the soft underside. Saiko mentioned how Salamanders' in general have soft underbelly, theorizing it is to help them to absorb heat from their surrounding easier as their scales prevented them from doing so properly.

Briefly, he wondered why the heat had gone and turned around. Only to be taken aback to see the perpetrator is now chasing after him. Minds abuzz with methods on how to defeat the beast, he decided on one particular move. Taking a deep breath, he halted as strong as he can, the shoes' squealing under the forceful change in motion and ducked down. However, he wounded up sending himself sprawling forward due to his momentum carrying him forward.

Looking up, he saw the monster's underbelly as it sailed over him and landed in front of him. For a moment, he saw the left hind legs was glowing a bright blue. He couldn't dwell on it for long as it landed on the ground not too far away from him.

Before it can turn around, Izuku grabbed onto the monster's tail and pull himself forward.

'This better be good,' he prayed hopefully. He doesn't have anything else to go on. A mere hunch.

A knuckleduster aimed and rammed straight into the back of the monster's left leg. The sound of bones breaking and the scales covering that spot were broke, falling over the floor. It cried out in anger and pain, turning around as fast it can. Izuku held onto the tail for dear life as the owner shook wildly through the air, unable to do anything else.

Up and down Izuku went as the tail owner repeatedly slammed the human down to the ground. Bones were broken at each blow but he preserved, clinging onto the appendage despite the pain. A small part of him wondered how each blow feels less painful with every strike. It could either be the passive skill at work or the adrenaline pumping through the vein. However by the third blow, Izuku can no longer withstand the powerful attacks brunt.

Letting go, he fell to the ground hard. Groaning, he winced, gently feeling the broken bones. Nothing he never had in his life.

Pushing through the pain and tried to get up but failed mid-way when the monster lunged forward. The man tried to punch and succeeded, his knuckleduster collided against it's snout but proved ineffectual, shattering into a tiny pieces. Per the laws of physic, the monster's momentum won in their collision and Izuku was knocked down onto the ground. 

A guttural growl came out of the beast, a single tongue lapping along the man's features. Growing disgusted and fearful to what may occur next, Izuku kicked and punched as wildly as he can. The legs connected to the underside and the knuckleduster hit it but the attacks seem to only annoy it, if the growling were anything to go by.

"Screw you, I'm not gonna die to you!" Izuku cried out, punching and kicking as best as he can.

Briefly he noted both front claws were glowing red and soon learned why, as it slammed both it's claws down onto his arms. Effectively preventing the young man from fighting. He tried to lift them up to no avail and Izuku's blood ran cold as it watched the underside glowed, the bright light travelling upward through the throat and out of the maw.

Sovereign of Death, King of Heroes: Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now