H-German Empire

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He is selectively mute. He only speaks when really angry and his extremely hoarse voice adds to the fear that people feel when hearing him. He was born deaf and him and AH bonded over both having the 'wrong' genetics. Germany recently made him special hearing aides so he could hear. He only uses them when Third Reich is nearby. He doesn't trust his son.

In case you couldn't tell from the last chapter GE is FtM. His ability to change his height and selective mutism made it so no one ever questioned a thing. Prussia was actually over the moon at the realization he had a son all this time. He wanted a son because he figured a daughter wouldn't be as strong. So when little GE in a short dress came to Prussia one night and said he felt more of a he than a she and wanted to switch to pants and play in the mud, Prussia immediately jumped on it and bought GE a new wardrobe the next day, throwing out all his dresses. Before this he, like with all girls and women, was very apathetic towards GE. He wanted to raise GE like a boy but any time he tried letting GE wear pants and play with a sword many of the other nations, specifically RE, gave him hell for it. It didn't help that the nannies who took care of GE always made him as truly as possible and scolded him for trying to so boys things. So he grew distant from him, not knowing how to raise a daughter. As soon as GE came out he literally danced around the nations and nannies who said he wasn't raising GE right screaming "I told you! I told you! I knew all along!" They were clearly disturbed by his out of character dance and never questioned Prussia's parenting again. (At least not to his face)

But god forbid GE ever admit he might have a thing for not only women, but men too.

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