H&A-German Empire X Austria-Hungary

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Its amazing what you can do when you have motivation.

Its amazing what you can do when you have motivation

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GE and AH on their wedding day. (colorized)

Say what you will but in my headcanon these two are the absolute power couple. They are the perfect pair and have the best relationship in comparison to all the others in CH. Say something bad about his wife and GE will come and kick your ass. And don't think that AH over hear is a weak woman. She is a strong woman who don't need no man yet chooses to bless GE with her love. Seriously, my man ain't afraid of no one. But when AH comes stomping down the hall cuz he didn't do the dishes this man screams.

AH is the top because yes. Even if AH is the one wearing the wedding dress GE is the one getting carried bridal style.

Honestly this is the only pair I don't see as having a toxic relationship.

I saw somewhere that they communicate by squeezing each other's hands and I am taking that.

They are actually almost the same height and when AH wears high heels she is taller than GE. This annoys him immensely because he can't wear high heels. GE is 5 foot 11 inches tall and AH is 5 foot 9 inches tall. GE is one of the few countries that can alter his height but it is very painful. It makes AH annoyed when he makes himself just taller than AH with high heels.

They are a very playful couple and will often pull pranks on each other. AH likes to sneak up on GE and scare him. He screams every time. He usually chases AH around after he's calmed down.

They thank Russian Empire for their relationship because without him they wouldn't have moved from allies to friends and then friends to lovers. This makes him really mad because that was never his intent at all. His original intent was to emotionally wound AH.

RE has always had bad habit of spying on people, something young Soviet picked up on. So a few nights before a meeting between the European nations he caught AH naked. Much to AH's horror, he found that AH is trans (MtF). RE is never one to pass up an opportunity to embarrass, belittle, or hurt another nation. So at the meeting he suddenly stood up and started to fight with AH. This resulted in their clothes being torn, mostly AH's. To the nations shock, RE showed AH's now uncovered flat chest and announced that AH was really a man. This was the only time AH cried in front of other nations. She ran out and GE followed her to make sure she was alright. They got into an argument and AH screamed at him asking how he could possibly understand. GE took his own shirt off and said that he was the same as her, just in a different way.

And that ladies and gentlemen is how their relationship really kicked off. (In my headcanon at least)

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