A good chapter title

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Slenderman: Hello

Y/N: Hi!

Slenderman: My name is Slenderman

Slenderman: I'm asking for some help with asking my Karen to marry me

Y/N: Congrats!

Slenderman: Thanks

Slenderman: Been building up the courage to pop the question for about 2 months now

Y/N: Yes sir, It's tough!

Y/N: So what specifically can I help you with Mr. Slenderman?

Y/N: You know this would be much easier if we could talk on the phone, Do you mind if I give you a call?

Slenderman: Sorry.

Slenderman: Can't talk right now

Slenderman: I'm deer hunting right now. I'm actually sitting in a deer blind, So I gotta be quiet

Y/N: You mentioned you had an idea? 

Y/N: I'd like to hear it if you don't mind.

Slenderman: I dunno

Slenderman: You might think it's kind of silly

Y/N: The sillier the better!

Slenderman: It's kind of embarrassing too

Y/N: Out with it!

Slenderman: Aw shucks, what the hell!

Slenderman: Well Karen has never shot a deer before. Hell, I don't even think she has ever shot a gun before.

Slenderman: She been bugging to take me deer hunting, bugs me about it every week. So I told her we'd go next Saturday.

Slenderman: Planning on heading to the stand early morning.

Slenderman: Once it's quiet and settled in, that's when I'm going to make it happen.

Y/N: So you're planning on proposing in the deer blind? 🤨

Slenderman: Not exactly

Slenderman: See Auden, I made this here sign...

Slenderman: She gonna shoot her way through an engagement!

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Slenderman: She gonna shoot her way through an engagement!

Y/N: Haha! That sounds like a good idea!

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