seventy nine | the devil comes here and sighs

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In turn, Annabelle said to him, "Bite me."

After rolling his eyes to himself, Lucien made his way over towards Aurora and said to her, "And, darling, you may have your fun, but please keep Nik alive. I would so hate to miss his death."

Not long after he said that, Lucien quickly walked out the door and left Aurora to turn around and bring her attention back over towards Klaus, while Annabelle started to heavily shake from inside of her cage.

* * *

While Annabelle stared ahead of herself with a blank look on her face and started to think of all the ways she could get herself out of the cage, Aurora asked Klaus, "I wonder when you decided to brick me into that dreadful tomb, did it ever occur to you that our roles might one day be reversed?"

After Aurora turned around to look back at him, Klaus replied, "We both know that I buried you alive because I could not bring myself to kill you."

With a chuckle, Aurora said to him, "No doubt you intended to free me after a suitable period of time."

Klaus told her, "In fact, my methods were not unlike Tristan's after all. Did he not hide you away in a mountain monastery?" As Aurora started to walk towards him, he said to her, "The truth is, I still had hopes for us."

After stopping just in front of him, Aurora said to him, "Your affections for me must run deep indeed." After she crouched down in front of him, she said to him, "Tell me, if I were to kiss you now, would you feel those affections stir? Because I would feel nothing."

As he started to lean in towards Aurora, Klaus asked her, "Are you so certain? We are flames in the darkness of each other's worlds. We burn brighter together than we ever did alone." After she straightened her back and took a couple steps away from him, he told her, "And I would forgive everything, if you would only forgive me, my love."

After laughing to herself, Aurora asked him as she sat down on one of the steps in the room, "Wow, you really are quite desperate, aren't you? It's quite pathetic, seeing you resort to this failed seduction. I mean, it's comical even."

Klaus replied, "And yet you would entertain Lucien's brazen advances."

With a tilt of her head, Aurora said, "Well..."

Klaus asked her, "Do you really think you could ever love that imbecile?"

With a sigh, Aurora said, "Poor sweet, Lucien." As she started to make her way over towards Klaus, she said, "After all these years, he still remains such a dedicated suitor. Such a shame I'll never see him as more than a means to an end. But if he wants to save my brother in a bid to win my heart, why shouldn't I let him? It wouldn't be the first of his gifts I've accepted." As she went to grab the very same jar she was holding earlier, she said, "After all, he gave me this. The means to remake myself. So that I might become a creature of such pure and unbridled power, that I can kill even you."

It was then that Klaus said to her, "Whatever has passed between us, whatever hatred you're holding onto, in me you see the kindred you've always longed for. To spend an eternity without me? It would be a curse your frail heart could not endure."

With a nod of her head, Aurora replied, "You're wrong. You see, Nik, whatever terrors may await me in the endless time to come pale in comparison to the joy I will take in ending you. Cheers."

And as Aurora started to drink the serum, Annabelle did nothing but sigh to herself as her shaking only worsened and she repeatedly threw herself against the bars in an attempt to get out of the cage, despite having done this over a dozen times beforehand after she had been taken hostage by Lucien.

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