Chapter 19 : training and the city in flames.

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[ blah blah ]= me explaining some stuff

( blah blah)=thoughts

"blah blah" = speech



I seen that i forgot to do some shout-outs that i promised to do the previous chapter , so i will do them here . the 2 people who guessed he hero correctly are .

1.) SusiAtBaka

2.) Lucid_Awoken

Izuku's pov.

It is 4:40am as the alarm went off on my phone and i woke up . I disabled the alarm and looked beside me to see yui still sleeping , I then shook her a bit as she groaned and woke up saying " is it morning yet?" , i answered " its 4:40 am we got 20 minutes to get ready and meet with edgeshot in the training hall.", yui yawned and i got up from the bed and we both went to the provided bathroom to brush our teeth.

I came back to my room and started doing light stretching to get the blood flowing and getting rid of the stiff joints. yui joined me soon in doing light stretches and after a few minutes , we got into our training clothes and went to meet our trainer.

It is 5 AM as we entered into the training hall and we came upon the site of a blur dashing around the training hall , i could spot it quite easily since it is not faster than me but yui seems to be really struggling , i the blur stopped in front of us in the form on edgeshot who was in her training clothes , yui was surprised as she asked " wow , how did you get soo fast sensei?". 

Edgeshot answered with " intense training and studying as well as improving ways to use my quirk is the reason i am fast.". edgeshot then handed yui some leg weights and said " wear these 20 pound weights to your legs and run around this hall for a hour and if you feel tired in between , take a 2 minute breather and continue and for midoriya i will have you use your speed and try to tag me in next 2 hours but you should use the speed that i use and try to improve yourself to cut corners and not just run straight."

I nodded as edgeshot took off in her top speed while zig-zagging around the hug hall while i tried but failed doing sharp turns , i had to completely stop for a second which makes me slid to a stop and then make a turn which takes out 5 to 6 seconds of time, i tried to figure out how to avoid this mistake but couldn't come up with any ideas . I

 then focused on observing edgeshot and i noticed that edgeshot instead of running around seems to put her muscle power and quirk use into 1 push with her leg and just hover forward for 5 to 10 meters before using her other leg to repeat the same , and she seems to use the same tactic during sharp turn but use more power to make suddenly change the direction of momentum . 

I am still in my lightning mode and i tried to the same but ended crashing into the wall alerting edgeshot and yui , both came towards me asking for my safety but i was able to save myself by balling my tails around me , i then turned towards edgeshot and said " i figured out your way of controlling speed and making sharp turns but i need to practice a lot to control my power since i can easily harm myself.".

Edgeshot nodded and said " congrats for figuring it out, for now do the same but with your normal speed and slowly increase the speed so you can feel the amount of power you need to exert from the muscles for required speed. and don't forget your parkour training from 6:30 to 7:00 am . I have designed a course for you since you already know parkour moves but just need to learn to use them on the run.".

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