Chapter 18: Internship training begins!

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[ blah blah ]= me explaining some stuff

( blah blah)=thoughts

"blah blah" = speech




Everyone went to have lunch after submitting their application for the internship as it became the main discussion of 1-A and 1-B. We see izuku , kendo , yui , ibara , shoko and reiko yanagi in a table eating their food calmly as kendo asked " whom will you all be going with for the internships?".

Shoko slurped her noodles as she said " i am going with my dad since i can get training on more control on my fire side.". yui looked at kendo as she said " i am going with edgeshot since i need to train in using weapons and increase my speed.". Izuku looked surprised at yui as he said " really? i am going with edgeshot too , i need to work on stealth.".

All the girls gave yui a jealous stare since she got to spend a whole week with izuku as yui just smiled victoriously . Ibara just sighed as she said " i am going with kamui woods to improve on my skill on using my vines.". Everyone gave approving nod as reiko said " i am going with psychic hero : hell storm since our quirks are similar and she can help me improve.".

Kendo nodded at reiko as she then said " well i am going with uwabami since i can learn close combat and how to handle public and news people from her.". Everyone agreed with kendo's choice since it is good to know how to handle publicity.

Izuku then got up and said " well there is only 3 minutes till lunch ends, let go back to class." , the girls agreed as they also got up an head to the garbage disposal and dumped the plate in them and went to their own classes.


Izuku just got done with packing for the week and is now heading down with his backpack and hero costume suitcase to eat breakfast. Izuku comes into the kitchen and says " good morning mom , where is everyone?", rei smiled at izuku as she said " good morning izuku , well everyone will come a bit later since both of your sisters are with you dad so they don't need to go to the train station.".

Izuku nodded as he sat at the dining table and rei put some toast with butter and some bacon for breakfast. After eating the breakfast , izuku gave his mother a hug as he said his goodbye and started walking towards the train station.

After reaching the train station , Izuku checked the group chat too see in which platform the class is gathering except shoko and fuyumi. Izuku went towards the platform and greeting his class and teacher while waving towards class 1-b who were a bit away from 1-a . Aizawa then says " ok , everyone is gathered here except shoko and fuyumi since they are going directly from home , listen students! please behave during the internships and do not disobey your trainer or else you will face consequences.".

Everyone in class 1-A nodded as aizawa then gave a small smile and said " otherwise be safe and hope you all learn something important from this internship." , class 1-a cheered as aizawa dismissed everyone to their own platforms to catch the train going to their cities , izuku grouped up with yui and mina since the 3 are going to same city.

Mina was excitedly talking about what she expects from her internship as yui was listening to mina and telling her expectations too while izuku was just listening to the too while contemplating what he could learn too.

Train reached the station where our heroes-in-training will get off as our trio got out of the train and made their way to the exit as mina said " looking at the map , our internships are on either side of the city so i guess this is where we separate.". Izuku turned to mina and smiled as he said " good luck on your internship mina , i hope everything goes well.", yui then said " lets hope we bump into each other during patrols if our intern allows them.".

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