I looked at him, and it seemed impossible to read him. He literally shows zero emotions...

What's going on inside your head, Ashton?

"Can I please go?" He asked, ignoring my last statement. "My very ill friend is waiting for me in the car."

"Depends... can I have your number?"

"You want my number for what?"

"Oh, I don't know... what do people usually do with a phone number?" I teased, resulting to an eye roll from him and a giggle from me. "Come on, I just want to get to know you."

He glanced at me from head to toe, before finally searching his pockets.

"Your girlfriend wouldn't like this." He stood his ground, handing me a card. "But here you go."

"She won't mind." I lied. "I'll call you."

He nodded. "You and Sierra have a nice house, by the way." He complemented, making me slightly blush.

"Um- How do you kno-"

"I hope you're not staying in a situation you hate just to keep living here, though..." He cut me off, leaving me completely speechless. "I would like to assume you have enough money to buy a place of your own, don't you?"

He clearly enjoyed the expression I had on my face. My lips were slightly parted, as my eyes were popping right out of my head.

"Now, if you'll excuse me..." He continued, gently pushing me to the side. "Have a good night, Luke."

I looked at him as he smiled at me, before dashing down the stairs.

Fuck, how does he-

There is noway we are that obvious, are we?!

Even my own friends don't suspect a thing... How come he does?

How come he noticed?

No, no, no.

I quickly made my way down the stairs, pushing people around so I could get to the kitchen. I grabbed an empty cup and filled it with water, trying to calm down the nerve.

I like to think my acting skills are still top tier.

They are, aren't they?

I stared at the card he gave me for awhile, before quickly adding his phone number to my contacts.

Should I message him already?

If yes, should I just say what's on my mind?

What if he exposed me?

He won't do that, right?

He doesn't care about all of this.

I barely know the guy, how come I already trust him that much?

You know what?

Fuck it.

Luke Hemmings: Somebody else wouldn't even dare to message you after what you said... not me, though. You're intimidating, and it is turning me on a little bit.

My hands were a little shaky, but I did it.

I pressed send.

Did I potentially throw my career away? Maybe.

Will I end up regretting it? Surely.

"Hey, there you are!" Michael said once he laid his eyes on me, pressing his shoulder against the wall.

I instantly hid my phone and the card in my pocket, clearing my throat afterwards.

"Uh- yeah." I faked a weak smile. "Is Calum feeling better?"

"Yes, Ashton came and picked him up."

"Really?" I asked, acting surprised.

He nodded, grabbing a random chocolate bar out of the fridge. "It was nice to see him again, great guy..." He paused. "Even if he scares me sometimes."

"Why?" I raised an eyebrow, taking a seat on one of the random chairs.

"I don't know, his sorcery just frightens me a little bit." He shrugged his shoulders.

"What do you mean, sorcery-"

"Baby!" Sierra called me out of nowhere, popping in the room.

"Coming, love." I said with a fake smile, finishing my water.

She bobbed, soon going out of sight again. Michael grinned a little, before looking back at me.

"Why can't I have somebody like her?" He complained. "I just want someone to love and care for me, is it that hard of a request?"

If only you knew...

"You'll find somebody, I'm sure of it!" I tapped his shoulder. "Let's go have some fun, now."

He followed my path silently, before eventually asking the dreaded question "She makes you really happy, huh?"

I hate lying to you, Michael.

You don't know how bad I want to tell you everything, how bad I want to expose this horrible woman.

But I can't now, can I?

I'm tired, I'm fucking exhausted.

I can't stand her treating me like this anymore.

I faced him again, wide smile on my face.

"The happiest." I answered, making him beam.

"Good." He grabbed my hand. "Now, let's dance!"

We both giggled, before finally joining the rest of the people in there. I tried to have some fun, despise the melancholy I felt inside of me.

And here I was, drinking my pain away.

But then, my phone vibrated in my pocket...

Now, is that real? Or is it just the tequila playing with me?

Ashton Irwin: Are you saying you like my dominance? That's quite funny coming from you...

I bit my lower lip, patiently waiting for him to finish typing.

Ashton Irwin: Since the both of us are tops... unless I'm wrong, Luke?

Fuck, that's hot.

Luke Hemmings: I can be whatever you want.

Seems like he is ready for war...

Ashton Irwin: Submissive of you to say...

And oh, boy... you don't know how ready I am to provide the weapons.



This chapter was kind of ✨kinky✨

I'm honestly torn if yall are enjoying this or not... I'm going to assume you do for my own sanity✌🏻

I honestly don't know where this fanfic is headed, but I'm excited and going with the flow!

Thank you for the support, my loves.

-L xox

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