Chapter 1

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Her hands were trembling as cold steam erupt from it. Her once hazel eyes immediately turn into silver ice like his, but his was a bit threatening. Still, she didn't care who he was, even though her memories were blank, she could vividly remember what Gareth told her about him. "He is a beast. He shouldn't be loved. He is lucifer, his best power is to manipulate and he doesn't care who he does that with. He doesn't even care if it would be you, as you have been in his memories for a very long time. He would hunt you and never free you. He would never change and he wouldn't love you like I do. Erase your love memories, and see yourself freeze everything about him in your heart."

She shrieked a little and smiled as her eyes glared at the beast, that she thought she could love, "Rahmiel, I can't believe this. I have no...choice and besides my loved ones are in danger, if I wouldn't do this."

"Do it!" He cut her shut. "Do it, like you have done multiple times, and this time, you would regret till you die completely," he said.

She was confused. She had read many novels about taming the beast and she had done everything. But it seemed it would never work. None of her manipulative skills ever worked, but gradually, she keeps falling deeper. She was supposed to be annoyed but he was annoyed instead.

She now understood what Gareth said. He would never love you. A beast loves being a beast. And you can never stop a beast from hating anyone, especially you. She closed her eyes and looked deeply at him, this time, the ice surprisingly began to erupt and burry him inside it. Just after some moments, she noticed that she was becoming stiff. It had bounced back on her.

Her blood was feeling more than cold and her eye lids fluttered together as she felt nothing but frozen.

She was frozen by the beast.


Calista grabbed the wooden chair and sat down carefully. Her gaze on the mirror. After thinking for a while, she finally let out a deep breath. "Am I so ugly?" She cried.

"No, he is just blind," a lady whose hands were busy working on the laptop, replied. She closed the system and sat beside her while rubbing small circles on her low back.

This wasn't the truth about her appearance. Calista sometimes thought she just grew to be ugly overnight. It was even visible from the way her eyes looked heavy with dark small arcs beneath her eyes.

She slowly pulled away her friend's hand from her back and stared at her deeply, "Sunny, you know what he did right?"

Sunny looked at her pathetically and whispered enough for her to hear those words she often doubted, "I do. He cheated."

Calista's eyes grew wide like she was hearing it for the first time, "He cheated? Tell me, what I saw wasn't true?"

It was true and she needed to get over him as soon as possible, Sunny thought. She knew from the very beginning that Jeremy would do this sooner or later but she wasn't expecting it to be too quick. "You could have killed him the other day, Calista. It's all your fault. You just let go of such huge opportunity."

Calista nodded, "I should. I should have strangled him to death those days he fell asleep on my laps. I could have just poisoned him or something, but I didn't know all these would happen after all."

If anyone was with them, he or she could have thought they were actually been serious about killing someone. The way they behaved and how serious they were, wasn't something weird anymore. It wasn't their first time talking about that and it wasn't their first time doing something related but never had they killed someone.

Calista and Sunny had this relationship that no one could destroy. They grew up together and knew everything about themselves. Though Calista's parent died four months ago, Sunny's parents had been more than friends to her. They took her as their own daughter while providing all she needed.

While Calista was quite hot tempered and rude, Sunny was the exact opposite, except that she had a secret dark side of hers which Calista wouldn't fail to unveil when around. Both of them were the hot models of Ziold College. It was hard to distinguish between them as they were both of same height and gorgeous at the same time. While Sunny's hair colour was dirty blonde, Calista's hair colour was sometimes Red or Reddish brown, that was, if the dye she applies runs off her brown hair.

Sunny stood up. Her eyes already hurting for staring at the screen for five straight hours, "If you are ready to hear a brand new prank for him and his new girl, let me know now because George and I are going on our first date."

"Just go already. I need to be alone. Just go," she replied without looking at her.

Sunny understood what she was facing, so she let her be.

After some minutes, she was done with her makeup. She took her purse and walked to her friend whose gaze didn't for once leave the mirror since then. "If you need my help, just call, okay?"

But she didn't reply.

Sunny walked out of the apartment leaving her.

Calista stood up from the chair and went to the bathroom. After taking a shower, she wore a grey baggy top and a bumshot.

Her eyes landed on her phone on the bed. She walked to it and opened it. She went back to their last chat with a slight regretful murmur, "Why did he text the breakup message instead of calling me or telling me directly?"

She flung her phone to the bed. Just after, she heard a knock on the door. She forgot to lock the door when Sunny took off earlier. What if someone banged into their house? She walked to the door and pretended to unlock the door with a key so that whomever might be on the doorstep shouldn't have it in mind that her room is always unlocked. She opened it to see the last person she was expecting. Her eyes went still as her hands trembled on the door's handle.

It was Jeremy. His masculine fragrance blew in her nostrils and she just felt like really hugging him to perceive more of the fragrance but it wasn't possible anymore. They had no rights on each other again and whatever reason he was here for, was to make her sad, she was sure of it, "What are you doing here?"

Jeremy's smirk widened as she saw her tired look, "We didn't turn enemies, did we?"

"I asked about what you are looking for," she half-shouted, trying to maintain her breathing pace.

He  looked into her eyes, "Can't you just let me in first?"

"No. If you have nothing to say, just get away, I hate seeing your ugly face."

He laughed really hard for some seconds that she thought he was pretending it was funny, but after seeing his facial expression, she just sighed.

"I just came here to remind you of some stuff you left in my house. I can't imagine how a lady like you would keep a used sanitary pad in the toilet." He shook his head aggressively, like he was regretting ever knowing her.

She was embarrassed. But she wouldn't do that. "Are you insane? Maybe you should ask that girlfriend of yours, if she actually did that. What gross!"

His eyes tightened for a second and he cleared his throat, "And, I would love to invite you to her birthday which is coming up next week Friday. At least, come to show you are of worth even though you are worthless." He threw her the invitation card when she refused to stretch her hands for acceptance.

She stared at him as he walked away and burst into tears. Her gaze fell on the card and she took it and banged the door hard, forgetting to lock it again.

This shouldn't be happening.

Why did he change all of a sudden?

Her hands dialled Sunny's number. She picked at the first ring.

"Hey, any problem?"

" Let's get the prank ready." She flung the phone without hanging up.

It was time to show him who the real heart breaker is. And that party? She would attend and make sure she destroys ever single event.

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