Chapter Thirteen: A New Leaf

Start from the beginning

The feeling of relief felt good to Kate and by doing so she felt no stress come over her whatsoever. Kate then splashed her face before looking up at her reflection in the mirror where she noticed a red smudge on the mirror to her right. She wasn't quite sure what was supposed to be written there but wherever it was, it was gone. It was only then that Kate recalled noticing a red smudge on Max's hand from earlier that day during Mr Jefferson's arrest.

Kate trusted Max with her life but there were times when Kate felt so down on her luck that any motivation to confide in that person who cared for her. It made sense to Kate that Max was always looking out for her - even in times when Max had the most difficulty in looking out for herself. By concluding her business in the bathroom, Kate returned to her room and immediately went straight back to bed where she fell into slumber almost a minute later.


Come morning, Kate woke up refreshed and almost ready for another day. Feeling the need for a shower, Kate took with her a toothbrush and her toothpaste with her on her way to the girl's bathroom after tying up her hair. Upon stepping foot out of her room, the hallway offered a chill that pricked the soles of Kate's feet. She could hear people wide awake in their rooms when she walked down a bit before she hit a corner and made her way into the girl's bathroom.

The room was dead silent when Kate wandered over to the middle sink and brushed her teeth first when she heard the door to the bathroom open. Kate craned her head to see who'd entered the bathroom right before she did when she felt at ease upon recognising the familiar geeky photographer that was her friend, Max Caulfield. The two girls briefly made eye contact and waved shyly at one another before resuming their business.

Max walked into the second shower stall and took her shower while Kate finished up her business when they heard the door open. The appearance of Victoria and Taylor made Kate's heart drop in her chest as she felt her heart drop in her chest as the two girls with a brighter shade of blonde wandered over to the two vacant sinks Kate was between and mind their own business by applying make-up and said nothing. Out of the blue, Victoria spoke.

"Good sleep, Kate?" Victoria asked randomly, addressing the dirty-haired.

Kate's head perked up from her slouched stance and gawked at the short-haired blonde woman who was too focused on applying a redder shade of lipstick on her mouth to bother sparing Kate even a quick glance.

"Y-Yeah... You?" Kate stammered in response, to which the two girls around her found amusement but kept it to themselves.

"Just worried about Nathan, if I'm being honest. But I couldn't ever think that he could do something like that. Sure, I knew he had issues, but pulling out a gun on someone?" Victoria gossiped. 

Kate hesitated to answer as bring in the same room with the two girls for too long wasn't helping Kate cope with her anxiety. So in haste, Kate brushed her teeth and made as limited responses as she could before she ducked off into the shower stall where Max took her place outside. Victoria looked her way and sent the brunette a gentle smile as Max left the room to return to hers. After just coming out of the shower, Max felt good about that Friday.

With no more Mr Jefferson to worry about, Max was able to play through life without any rewinds. It was still through her good intentions that she wanted Kate and (Y/n) to hook up, but things proved difficult because of the loss of her childhood best friend. Chloe's funeral was that Sunday so Max had time to prepare for the day. Added to that, school would go on normally while a select few were allowed to attend the funeral, being those who were close to Chloe.

When Max returned to her room, she changed into the same clothes she would always wear and headed out of her dorm to have breakfast that morning. It would be the same every other day, especially since she was blindly repeating events that transpired previously. The brunette walked out of the dormitory building and across into the campus cafeteria where it was filled with students who had also got up around the same time as she.

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