chapter twenty four

526 21 22

Authors notes


If you don't like the colour of the dress, etc. feel free to change it


This one is going to be a long chapter.

"CATCH Y/N!" Tenten shouts, throwing lipstick my way.

"Bro. that nearly killed me," I state plainly.

"Bro. Suck it up." She replies, definitely mocking my use of the word bro, "and put the damn lipstick on."

The once clean room that we shared is now covered in clothes, makeup, shoes, food and a collection of other random things. It's just turned noon, and the buzz of excitement is starting to kick in.

I have been to the ball before but this one is different as it's an annual event. I organised it. I have been a key part of putting this together. I also have friends that I can enjoy it with as well as a date.


Who happens to be the Kazekage.

Like the one who is in charge of the village. And like that's important.

Oh my fucking god.

I didn't think about that.

Oh fuck

A few fucking months ago we did not get along... and now I'm dating him? Wait, are we even dating?

The panic must have shown on my face as Tenten tapped me on the shoulder.

"Are you alright there y/n." She asks, a little concerned.

"Yea, no I am fine, don't worry. Just a little stressed, I just need everything to be perfect for tonight." I let out a nervous laugh, "I am just running through every possible situation of how everything could fuck up."

I know it's a lie, but I don't really know how I am supposed to explain that I am freaking out over a guy, who I had to convince them all last night that I am not in love with, that I might actually have feelings for. Also, I have complained many times to Tenten about the same guy.

Heh... Just a typical situation.

"Oh y/n. There is no need to worry, I know that everything will go 100% perfectly and plan." Tenten places her hand on my head soothing out my hair.

It's comforting, and just over Tenten's shoulder, I can see Temari give me a warm reassuring smile.

Without realising the panic has settled and is replaced once again with that buzz of excitement.

It's all going to be ok.

"Now get up and finish getting ready. You have an event to attend and you can't keep your hot date waiting~"



Now with a flushed face, I grab my dress that is hanging off the bathroom door to change into.

Slipping into the gold silk fabric, I pull it down over my thighs and fix the placement of the bust. Twisting to make sure the back also looks ok, I realised that the back is completely open. I just thought it was low, I would have never chosen this for myself I think. Taking a step back I take in the entirety of the dress.

It's fucking gorgeous and it looks bloody amazing on me. Holy shit.

I slip into the shoes I brought into the bathroom with me and fluff up my hair and make sure that my makeup looks perfect.

through the sand, for you. (gaara x reader)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu