chapter five

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It's 5 am.

Ok, that gives me an hour and a half to prepare for the day.

Getting ready and eating and all of that stuff is the easy part for the day, it's the mentally preparing for the day. And in the words of Gaara controlling my "attitude".

~ Gaara's POV ~

5 am. Time to get ready.

Today should be an easy day, there isn't much work except for the basics, reviewing missions and making and sending teams out. But because it's y/n's first day and I already have a headache from what she is going to bring.

I don't hate her. I never have, I don't think I ever will.

There just is something about her that triggers some sort of emotion in me. It has been like this ever since we were children, she was one of the only people who weren't scared of me because of the tailed beast that used to be within me.

I really do not want her to work with me, but Temari all but demanded so I had no choice. And since she is working with me, she is now living with me meaning I don't think I will ever get a break from her.

I am just hoping that that brain of hers will be worth having to deal with her.

I need to shower. Walking out of my room I go towards the bathroom, running water, nope not doing this again. I really do not want to have to deal with another incident. Though I have to admit she has nice legs.

God, what am I thinking?

~ y/n POV ~

A plus out of all of this is that the sand siblings live in a nice house, with an even nicer shower. And I do get to see Tee. Speaking of which she has made me a 'special first day of work' breakfast in her words.

"So, you excited?" Tee questions while sliding into the seat next to me.

"About what? Working with Gaara 24/7 and getting used just for my smarts or the job itself?" I went on. Tee is not looking impressed with me.

"Look I am grateful you went and asked your brother to get me this job with him, but he wants to work with me as much as I want to work for me. Oh and he plainly stated that he is just using me because of how smart I am." I pause before continuing, "I will try and stay professional with him and not hit him again or do anything irrational like that again."

"I still can't believe you hit him. Wait no, I can't believe he let you just walk away." Temari laughs.

"Well... I forgot to tell you, he kinda visited me the next morning in a not so polite way." I say looking down at my food before taking some and putting it in my mouth.

"Oh? Do tell."

"He smashed my door down and basically broke in, while I was bloody sleeping. So I woke up half scared to death and confused as all fuck, just to come and find an angry ass redhead inside my living room." Temari burst out laughing at the last comment about her brother.

"He what! Oh my god. That's fucking hilarious and it would also explain why his hand was patched up." She connected the dots and continued to laugh at her brother's actions.

There was a pause, and then Tee looked up at me with a humorous look. I am very confused, to say the least, though that's not new.

"What?" I ask, looking directly at her.

"y/n. You are my best friend." she went on

"Yes? I know." What is she going on about?

"That means I know a lot about you. Probably more than anyone else would."

through the sand, for you. (gaara x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt