chapter ten

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"No no, that goes over above where the drinks are going to be."

"To the left and up a little bit," I shout, "yep that is perfect."

"BE CAREFUL" I grab the bottom of the ladder while steading it.

This entire day has been so stressful. I have to set up the beautiful hall and make it into something even better. Everything has to be perfect.

I am standing on the edge of the giant stage helping the band set up all of their things.

"MISS Y/N WATCH OUT!" I can hear someone shrill.

"What-" I look up to see that one of the lights is falling down. I stumble backwards falling off the stage and landing hard on the ballroom floor.

"Fuck" I curse under my breath. I landed straight on my wrist, the one that I broke, that hurt like a bitch.

I take a deep breath, standing up and brushing myself off.

"Is everyone ok?" I ask, looking around I can hear people quietly saying yes and I can see people nodding. Good. Now it is time to look at the damage.

I look over to where I was standing, there is no giant light smashed into the ground. But a fuming redhead is holding up the light with his sand.

"Who was in charge of putting up this light?" Gaara's voice echoed throughout the whole room.

"Gaara- I mean Lord Kazekage, it is ok. Mistakes happen and no one was hurt and there was no real damage done." I try to be stern but soft with my words, I don't feel like putting him in an even worse mood.

He looks at me and notices that I am rubbing my wrist. "Everyone back to work. We have no time to waste!" I shout through the room.

I walk back up onto the stage. "Ok, I need this light back up and I need all of the band equipment set up straight after. For now, stay clear of the stage."

~ Gaara's POV ~

I watch as y/n starts yelling out instructions and directions. She is completely controlling the room and everyone is listening.

I am fucking furious. The light should have been secured. y/n almost got hurt and there could have been a massive hole in the floor.

It was my lunchtime break and I wanted to see how everything was getting along with setting up for the ball but I did not expect to watch my assistant almost get squashed by a light. I caught the light before it fell onto the ground or fell onto y/n. But I could see that y/n had fallen off the stage.

Even though she had fallen and clearly hurt herself she was still able to get up, calm me down and then continue to control an entire ballroom full of people.

All while being stuck in my head.

What can't this girl do?

"Are you ok?" I turn to her.

"Yes, I am. What are you doing here?" she looks up at me through her eyelashes.

"It is my lunch break and I need to get away from the Princess. I also wanted to check how everything was going." I sigh and take a look around the room.

Everything has been done spectacularly.

"Do you like it?" She asks confidently.

"Yes. You are doing a great job."

"I know." she muses.

"Then why ask?" I scoff. Annoying.

"Because now that I can tell people I am one of the only people you have ever praised."

I step into the front of her and hook my finger under her chin, forcing her to look up. "You are cocky aren't you."

"Yea and you are a dick." She gives an innocent smile with a slight shade of red dusting her face. I drop my hand from her face and start walking off the stage.

"Fuck you," I whisper under my breath, hoping she didn't hear that.

"You can try. But I don't think the princess will like that." This stops me dead in my tracks.

"What?" I let out a sharp breath.

"You heard me Gaara." that is all she said as she walked away without even looking at me.

When I chose her for the job of being my assistant I did not think that I would be contemplating actually kissing her.

We are meant to be professional.

Now I don't know.

She is messing with my head whether she knows it or not. Fuck you y/n.

~ y/n POV ~

Mentally I am cursing myself no hitting myself. I don't know.

Why did I say that?


Damn it.

y/n are you so fucking stupid.


I mean, he is really attractive. We haven't had very many civil conversations but he is stuck in my head.


Maybe Temari was right.

Ok wait, you can fuck someone without feelings.

Did I just admit to myself that I would fuck him?

Did I just admit that I could have feelings?




I feel like a dumb teenage girl obsessing over a boy, well not obsessing but like thinking about him so much. 

I can't tell Temari this. She will freak. 

And I don't even know what I am thinking, gah my head hurts. Fuck you Gaara.

through the sand, for you. (gaara x reader)Where stories live. Discover now