chapter fifteen

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Dinner is delicious but it is kind of hard to concentrate when I have a very clearly horny redhead hand glued to my thigh.

"So what did y'all do today while y/n and I are out?" Temari asks, taking a sip of her drink.

"Well I dragged Gaara out to come out and train with me but that went downhill," Kankuro said laughing to himself.

"How so?" I chime in.

"We had this group of kids bring us some food and some weird-ass tea. They said it was from one of their big sisters and said that it was a love potion." Kankuro says trying to keep a straight face as Gaara is glaring daggers at him.

"Did you drink this 'love potion'?" I giggle.

"I bet Gaara that I could beat him in a fight and if I won he would have to break the love potion and if he won I would drink the potion." Kankuro continues.

"I beat you and you know this." Gaara cuts in roughly.

"Someone's in a mood." Temari points out, referring to Gaara.

"He is right. He won but I didn't play fair and I kinda forced the 'potion' down his throat..." Kankuro snorts.

"WHAT?" Both Temari and I shout in unison.

"How the hell did he manage to do that?!" I ask surprised to turn to Gaara.

~ Gaara's POV ~

"He caught me off guard," I respond, squeezing y/n's thigh slightly.

Kankuro did catch me off guard. And it was because he was talking about her.

Kankuro has started questioning me about my and y/n relationship and asking me all these crazy questions.

He had asked me 'would you rather fuck Luna or y/n' then he answered for me saying 'no you would definitely have sex with y/n'. That surprised me and he thought it was funny to tackle me down and then force the drink down my throat.

"You two are idiots. Please tell me it wasn't poison and you found out what the ingredients were." Temari mentions.

"Yea we worked it out, no poison. Gaara is all safe." Kankuro laughs, "It was just some herbs that made a fancy tea."

Kankuro is forgetting to mention that all those herbs were actually very strong aphrodisiacs. So my entire body is on fire.

And the bloody goddess I have sitting next to is not helping. Her presence is strong and it is clouding every sense I have in my body.

My self-control is running low.

"I am guessing this 'love potion' is what puts you in a mood, am I right?" y/n leans into me and asks quietly. Kankuro and Temari are having their own conversation so they can't hear y/n.

"How did you know?" I respond slightly, shaking my head.

y/n gives a sweet laugh.

"Well there is this little shop in the centre of the village where I sometimes go with Temari to buy tea and other things for when it's my turn to cook and they also sell potions, I guess you can call them and other things that seem a bit different. Basically tea blends. Temari and I have joked about trying a so-called love potion from that shop and me being a herbest knowing how to work poisons and other herbs. I know that some certain herbs can make someone feel a certain way." She is speaking slowly, dragging out every word so painfully.

"Oh? How are you so sure? Maybe it could just be you making me feel like this..." I tease.

Under my touch I can feel her squeeze her legs together, my words clearly getting to her. I chuckle quietly to myself.

through the sand, for you. (gaara x reader)Where stories live. Discover now