She adored her little friend group because they all got along so easily. They'd been friends since first year, even though they were all sorted into different houses. It took Oshun a little while to get completely comfortable around them.

The only thing about Dy'Shylah and the Jeong twins was that their parents were the kind that thought blood status and good name were everything. The three of them were Purebloods, along with the Cole twins. But Oshun and Mavi were Halfbloods.

Now the Cole twins' parents didn't care about blood status or good name. They cared more about happiness for their children and for their own lives.

The Jeong twins' parents and Da'Shylah's parents just took that entire—blood status, good name, so and and so on—thing too seriously.

Da'Shylah's parents supported her with her sexuality completely, but they just wanted her to be with someone who also had a good name and was a Pureblood. Same with the Jeong twins.

That was another thing about Hogwarts University. Blood status mattered. To a lot of people.

More than half the school.

Especially the Purebloods themselves. Most of them.


"I need to change before the train stops." Oshun rose from her seat.

She stretched her arms out and arched her back to feel the good stretch from sitting too long. She groaned as her joints clicked. That always felt good.

"Same," Da'Shylah said as she stood, and so did Mavi and Forest.

"We'll change after you ladies are done," Giovanni said, speaking for himself, Tavius, and Joaquin.

Giovanni was more of the talkative, extrovert twin between him and his brother. Joaquin and Forest were both equally extroverted and talkative.

Out of them all, Oshun was probably the most shy. The most closed off person in the group.

She was an introvert, but once the ice broke, she could be quite chatty and expressive. But she was also confident in a way that also made it clear that was withdrawn.

She had social anxiety, so she always tended to stay with her own friends since they made her feel safe when they were with her. She hated presentations and speeches and she loathed big crowds.

She never went to parties or drank or smoked. Sure, she tried alcohol before, but she didn't really fancy that sort of thing. She never smoked though, never planned to.

She actually got teased about her choice of not drinking and smoking. She tried not to take it personally because she was happy with her choices.

Oshun tried her best to stay within the shadows. She avoided all causes of attention and tried to remain invisible.

The only time she had sex—when she lost her virgnity—was with Tavius.

This was in year two, when they were both virgins and nervous about losing their virginities. In shorter words, they wanted to try it out with each other since they were both already good friends with trust, and they did it together.

That was the only time Oshun had sex and she liked sex, but she just never hooked up with anyone after that. She solely focused on her studies.

Plus the fact that she was also too nervous and introverted to go and hookup with more people during parties—where most hookups happened.

Things weren't awkward between Oshun and Tavius though. The whole friend group knew they lost it to each other and it wasn't even an ounce of weird.

Oshun and the other ladies walked with their bags to the girls' bathroom on the train. The bathroom seemed small, but on the inside, it had a bunch of stalls and sinks and mirrors and a changing compartment.

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