Chapter 2: Food Fight

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"I don't care, he's not stopping me from going there." I huffed.

"I warned you." Payton shrugged, returning to his chicken sandwich. I didn't eat. I continued to play with my food, deep in thought. This Michael kid really sparked my interest. I was so dazed I didn't even realize the things being thrown at me, that was until I heard a splat and ketchup was all over my shirt.

I turned around and saw Michael flinging his food at me with his fork. His other friends were laughing in the background. I seethed, slamming my tray down on the table. Payton watched with nervousness as he looked at Michael and I.

I marched over to the brat's table, my demeanor and posture was delightfully intimidating.

Before he could hit me with a snarky remark, I grabbed my tray and spilled all of my food over Michael's head. His friends stopped laughing, in fact the whole cafeteria went silent. Everyone was staring at me in complete shock. Except Michael, he was fuming.

The adrenaline died down and I had just begun to realize who I actually messed with. That being said, I threw my tray down on the table and made a run for it. Michael quickly scrambled to his feet and chased after me.

Soon enough, the two of us were racing down the halls. I was frightened while Michael was enraged. I regretted my actions but the look on his face was soo worth it. My smug grin came to a stop when I felt my shirt being tugged on, and myself being pulled backwards.

"Do you have any idea who I am?!" Michael roared in my face, still holding a grip on my shirt.

"I don't give a shit about your daddy's money! Go cry to him for all I care! You don't scare me." That was a lie. If only he could hear how fast my heart was beating. Thankfully, he had no such power. Michael slowly let go of my shirt and glared at me.

As he was about to speak up, I felt a figure looming over the two of us. I looked behind me and gulped, it was the principle.




"What the fuck were you thinking, Y/N?" My mother's loud shrills painfully went through my ears.

"Calm down, Mrs, L/N. I've assessed the situation and both students are at fault." Mr. Richard glanced back at Michael and I. Michael groaned exaggeratively as I glared.

His father actually looked a lot like him. He had brunette hair with silver eyes and was extremely tall. I actually found him quite alarming. It was almost concerning.

Realizing I had been staring for too long, I brought my attention back to the principle and my furious mother.

"What's their punishment?" William Afton sighed, placing his hand on Michael's shoulder. I could physically see the fear in Michael's eyes, but I didn't care much about his feelings.

"They will both have detention for two weeks. I also expect them both to apologize to each other."  I was actually shocked by how lenient Mr. Richard was. If I was at my old school, I would've been suspended or worse. But then I realized I'm in the presence of a rich family. He probably just felt threatened.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Afton. I don't know what got into my daughter." I turned and glared at my mother. How dare she apologize on my behalf!? I have nothing to be sorry for! It's his stupid son's fault!

"No need. My son is to blame as well...." William sighed. "How would you like to bring your daughter over for dinner tomorrow night? As an apology, of course."

I scoffed. Was this dude trying to get with my mom? No, he's married. Wait. I don't want to eat dinner with him! I gave my mom pleading eyes but she barely even noticed.

"Father-" His father squeezed his shoulders more and he halted immediately.

"Sounds like a plan!" My mother chirped. Damn you, you whore. She never got much attention from my father because of his work, so she took it upon herself to sleep with other men.

Probably trying to hook up with him...

"Very well. Have my number, I will text you the details." William wrote his number on a paper and handed it to mom, which she happily took. Michael and I groaned in sync, still not making eye contact.

"Since this has been resolved I will send you all out, I just need these two to apologize first." Mr. Richard exclaimed. I looking over at Michael, who seemed just as miserable as me.

"Sorry..." I murmured.



"Fine! Sorry...."

"Good! We'll see you tomorrow night, Mrs. L/N."

"I can't wait."

Son of a Monster (Michael Afton x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang