Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

I'm sorry for not updating for, like ever... I've been busy with my brother graduating Uni, and I had to take care of him. And also, I was confused about what should happen next in the story, so pleeeeeaseeee forgive me?? If you won't, it's okay, just keep on reading? Pleaseee...

I'll try to post another chapter later as an apology.


 *Dedicated to smsk03 for reminding me to update and making me feel guilty for not updating in a while

Ali’s POV


Back to school day!


I’m so happy

…Not really.

“Ugh…” I groan as my alarm clock keeps ringing in my ears reminding me that today, I’m going back to high school. Just thinking about having to wake up early everyday again is making me lazy already.

“Alice wake up~” Cass barges into my room all ready and hyped-up for school.

I groan louder remembering that from now on, she’ll be my school teacher.

How F-ed up is that?!

The woman I have a major crush on is going to be my teacher from today onwards.

Just great!

There goes all of my chance with her.

Well, not that I had any chance with her though.

But still, how am I supposed to study well at school if I’m just going to drool at her sight?

Like how I’m drooling at her right now, with her white shirt and short black skirt and her hair pulled up in a half-ponytail while she’s holding a bucket of ice-cold water…


Ice-cold water??

“Oh MY!! COLD!!” I shriek at the contact between my skin and the whole bucket of ice-cold water she just poured onto me.

I glare at her laughing so hard while holding her stomach.

“What was that for?! And how am I supposed to clean my bedroom later?!” I yell at her, which gains me a scoff.

“Yeah, since you’ve been spacing out all the way here from your bedroom while I’ve been screaming my ass off for you to ‘wake up’, I thought a bucket of water will do some justice to you.”

I stare at her dumbfounded.

She motions me to turn around.

Okay, guess she’s right. I’ve been half-sleep-walking into my bathroom while drooling at her and mourning about my school life.

“Oh, and you have like… 7 minutes to get ready… So, good luck with that. I’m leaving now” She grins evilly at me while I’m just gawking at her.

“This is going to be hell!” I groan and rush to get ready so I won’t be late.


Cass’ POV

“Thanks Matt… Have a nice day at work…” I say kissing Matt’s cheek as he drops me off at the school.

“Yeah, you too… Good luck handling those two chicks babe…” Matt grins evilly as he drove away.

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