Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Ali’s POV

It’s been a week since the accident.

That day, when I got back home, I found out that Cass had taken her belongings and moved to an apartment somewhere.

“I thought she told you that she’s only living here for a while?” My mom asked curiously.

“She didn’t.” I grumbled under my breath before running up the stairs to my room.

Right now I’m laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about how I’ve been skipping senior math everyday and I don’t know how my grades looks like now.

I keep sending in my homework, so I hope she’ll let me off.

I groan when I hear someone knocking my bedroom door.

Thinking it was either Matt or my mother who’s been trying to pry into my business with Cass, I yell for them to come in.

“What do you want??” I mumble irritated without even looking at the person who just came into my room.

“To talk.”

My head snaps up and turns around to look at her standing, leaning at my door frame.

“What do you want now” I snarl at her.

She sighs rubbing the back of her head.

“Look Alice, I’m in love with her… I have been since high school… She was me and Matt’s teacher back then, and I’ve loved her since.” She says sounding sincere.

Then it dawned onto me that all of her depression state was… That woman’s fault!

“You’re going back to the person who left you in that state of depression? Are you stupid Cass? She left you for a man! She left you drinking irresponsibly, fooling around with everyone you can get your hands on, she left you rotting on your own Cass! And you’re still in love with someone li-…”

“She’s NOT responsible for what I did!” She says gritting her teeth at my outburst.

“It IS her fault! She pushed you in that direction!” I scream at her not caring that my mother is downstairs.

“No! A broken heart is normal for everyone Alice! I was just too stupid to drown myself in sadness and did all those things.”

She pauses taking a deep breath.

“It was my responsibility to take care of myself. It wasn’t and still isn’t hers.” She sighs.

Why does she have to protect her! She ruined her life! Cass could have had a better life had she not come and ruin it for her!

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