as many ways No. 4

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[as many ways to make a teacher blush]

'His eyes were pools of desire as he looked at me. I could feel the need radiating off of him. I wanted to see them. I wanted to know what light they would hold as they gazed at my naked body, how they would look when he finally took me...'

"Mr. Potter! Are you truly incapable of paying attention for more then a minute?" Snape yelled as he walked in front of Harry and grabbed the diary from him.

Harry looked up, into the black eyes of his professor. "Sir?"

Snape snapped the diary closed after a quick glance at what was written. "Detention, stay after."

Harry grinned at the fact that Snape wouldn't look him in the eye.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you, Harry?" Hermione smiled.

"Why would Harry try to get detention with Snape?"

Harry and Hermione looked over at Ron. How had they forgotten he was there?

"Well?" Ron asked, his voice getting a little louder. "I'm not completely stupid, you know. Something is going on." He turned to Hermione "I know you're hiding something."

Harry understood Ron's fear that he wasn't good enough for Hermione. He didn't want him to get the wrong idea. "Ron, calm down, Hermione's just playing around."

"But things are different now." Ron said.

"Of course they are." Hermione sighed. "You're my boyfriend now, so you having a different kind of relationship with me then Harry has, is a good thing. If we were just friends again, I would treat you the same way that I treat Harry."

"She's right." Harry said as the class was dismissed. "I'll see you all later."

"Bye, mate." Ron said, putting an arm around his girlfriend.

"Yes, good bye, and do try to behave." Hermione winked, the door closing behind her.


Harry jumped a little and spun around. "Sir?"

Snape tossed the diary at his student. "Anymore writing while in my class will be automatic detention with Filtch, for a month. Do I make myself clear?"

"Perfectly, master."

"And any more remarks like that will make it two months."

"Yes, sir."

Snape glared. "Professor Dumbledore said you asked about a book that he thought I may be of assistance in locating?"

Harry nodded, a little upset that he didn't bush when called master. " 'The Dark Arts: A Complete Guide to Safety' I can't find it in the Library."

Snape arched an eyebrow.

"I want to know all I can. Dumbledore offered me the Defense Against Dark Arts position for next year."

"The Restricted Section, there's only one copy."

"Aren't you mad?" Harry gulped. "About me teaching Defense?"

"No, I don't Potter. What I do have a problem with however, is dealing with you for any more years." Snape snorted and looked at his schedule. "This was my last class of the day. If you have a free period now, I'll take you to find that book."

Harry's face broke into a large grin. "Thank you, sir."

Snape nodded and walked with Harry to the library.

Harry looked at Snape. "Have you read the book, sir?"

Snape didn't answer as he walked along the rows of books in the Restricted Section.

Harry walked beside him and came to a stop. " 'Hogwarts and you?' "

"A copy of rules that are tolerated but that Professor Dumbledore would prefer students' not to be aware of."

"Oh." Harry looked at Snape. He was moving his hand along the books on the top shelf.

Harry smirked. He walked to Snape and slid in between him and the bookcase, his back pressed against Snape's chest.

Snape tried to back away, his back rammed into the shelf behind him, still too close to Harry.

Harry hid his smile as he bent over to look on the lower levels, his ass pressed to Snape's groin. He bit his lip to stop the moan that threatened to escape. He wiggled a little, rubbing softly on the now hard bulge at the front of Snape's robe.

Snape looked at the book and frowned. A blush heated his face when he realized he had completely forgotten about the damned thing.

"Thanks for the help, professor." Harry grinned as he left the room and headed to the Great Hall.

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